const CouchDB = require("../../db") const { DocumentTypes } = require("../../db/utils") const { getComponentLibraryManifest } = require("../../utilities/fileSystem") exports.fetchAppComponentDefinitions = async function (ctx) { const appId = ctx.params.appId || ctx.appId const db = new CouchDB(appId) const app = await db.get(DocumentTypes.APP_METADATA) let componentManifests = await Promise.all( library => { let manifest = await getComponentLibraryManifest(appId, library) return { manifest, library, } }) ) const definitions = {} for (let { manifest, library } of componentManifests) { for (let key of Object.keys(manifest)) { const fullComponentName = `${library}/${key}`.toLowerCase() definitions[fullComponentName] = { component: fullComponentName, ...manifest[key], } } } ctx.body = definitions }