# Getting Started with Budibase (For contributors - scroll down) ### 1. Prerequisites (for nodegyp) We will try to make this bit easier, but for now: - Windows - https://github.com/nodejs/node-gyp#on-windows - Ubuntu `sudo apt-get install build-essentials` - Mac: https://github.com/nodejs/node-gyp#on-macos ### 2. Global install budibase `npm install -g budibase` ### 3. Start using Budibase Create a directory to store your Budibase apps `mkdir my-budibase` `cd my-budibase` Initialise Budibase in current directory `budi init` Create a new Budibase app `budi new my-app` Run Budibase `budi` You can now access the Budibase builder on http://localhost:4001/_builder Start building! Once you have created your app, you need to create yourself an instance of your app (i.e. a database) `budi instance my-app` ## Getting Started for Contributors Install requires [node-gyp](https://github.com/nodejs/node-gyp), due to a dependancy on [argon2](https://github.com/ranisalt/node-argon2) ### 1. Prerequisites *nodegyp -* - Windows - https://github.com/nodejs/node-gyp#on-windows - Ubuntu `sudo apt-get install build-essentials` - Mac: https://github.com/nodejs/node-gyp#on-macos *yarn -* `npm install -g yarn` *lerna -* `npm install -g lerna` *jest* - `npm install -g jest` ### 2. Clone this repository `git clone https://github.com/Budibase/budibase.git` then `cd ` into your local copy... ### 3. Install and Build `lerna bootstrap` will install all modules `lerna run build` will build all packages `lerna run initialise` will initialise your budibase (i.e. create local database) ### 4. Running A Budibase apps folder will have been created in `packages/server/myapps`. This is a blank apps folder, so you will need to create yourself an app: ``` cd packages/server yarn run budi -- new your-app-name ``` then `yarn run budi` and to run the budibase server if you then want to run the builder in dev mode (i.e. with hot reloading): ... keep the server running, and.. 1. Open a new console 2. `cd packages/builder` 3. `yarn start` 4. Access the builder on http://localhost:3000 Notice that when inside `packages/server`, you can use any Budibase CLI command via yarn: e.g. `yarn budi -- new mikes_app` == `budi new mikes_app` This will use the CLI directly from `packages/cli`, rather than your globally installed `budi` ## Documentation A work in progress, lives here: https://docs.budibase.com