import { DatasourceFieldType, Integration, Operation, Table, TableSchema, QueryJson, QueryType, SqlQuery, DatasourcePlus, } from "@budibase/types" import { getSqlQuery, buildExternalTableId, convertSqlType, finaliseExternalTables, SqlClient, } from "./utils" import Sql from "./base/sql" const sqlServer = require("mssql") const DEFAULT_SCHEMA = "dbo" interface MSSQLConfig { user: string password: string server: string port: number database: string schema: string encrypt?: boolean } interface TablesResponse { TABLE_CATALOG: string TABLE_SCHEMA: string TABLE_NAME: string TABLE_TYPE: string } const SCHEMA: Integration = { docs: "", plus: true, description: "Microsoft SQL Server is a relational database management system developed by Microsoft. ", friendlyName: "MS SQL Server", type: "Relational", datasource: { user: { type: DatasourceFieldType.STRING, required: true, default: "localhost", }, password: { type: DatasourceFieldType.PASSWORD, required: true, }, server: { type: DatasourceFieldType.STRING, default: "localhost", }, port: { type: DatasourceFieldType.NUMBER, required: false, default: 1433, }, database: { type: DatasourceFieldType.STRING, default: "root", }, schema: { type: DatasourceFieldType.STRING, default: DEFAULT_SCHEMA, }, encrypt: { type: DatasourceFieldType.BOOLEAN, default: true, }, }, query: { create: { type: QueryType.SQL, }, read: { type: QueryType.SQL, }, update: { type: QueryType.SQL, }, delete: { type: QueryType.SQL, }, }, } class SqlServerIntegration extends Sql implements DatasourcePlus { private readonly config: MSSQLConfig private index: number = 0 private readonly pool: any private client: any public tables: Record = {} public schemaErrors: Record = {} MASTER_TABLES = [ "spt_fallback_db", "spt_fallback_dev", "spt_fallback_usg", "spt_monitor", "MSreplication_options", ] TABLES_SQL = "SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_TYPE='BASE TABLE'" constructor(config: MSSQLConfig) { super(SqlClient.MS_SQL) this.config = config const clientCfg = { ...this.config, options: { encrypt: this.config.encrypt, enableArithAbort: true, }, } delete clientCfg.encrypt if (!this.pool) { this.pool = new sqlServer.ConnectionPool(clientCfg) } } getBindingIdentifier(): string { return `@p${this.index++}` } getStringConcat(parts: string[]): string { return `concat(${parts.join(", ")})` } async connect() { try { this.client = await this.pool.connect() } catch (err) { // @ts-ignore throw new Error(err) } } async internalQuery( query: SqlQuery, operation: string | undefined = undefined ) { const client = this.client const request = client.request() this.index = 0 try { if (Array.isArray(query.bindings)) { let count = 0 for (let binding of query.bindings) { request.input(`p${count++}`, binding) } } // this is a hack to get the inserted ID back, // no way to do this with Knex nicely const sql = operation === Operation.CREATE ? `${query.sql}; SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() AS id;` : query.sql return await request.query(sql) } catch (err) { // @ts-ignore throw new Error(err) } } getDefinitionSQL(tableName: string) { return `select * from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where TABLE_NAME='${tableName}'` } getConstraintsSQL(tableName: string) { return `SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS AS TC INNER JOIN INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE AS KU ON TC.CONSTRAINT_TYPE = 'PRIMARY KEY' AND TC.CONSTRAINT_NAME = KU.CONSTRAINT_NAME AND KU.table_name='${tableName}' ORDER BY KU.TABLE_NAME, KU.ORDINAL_POSITION;` } getAutoColumnsSQL(tableName: string) { return `SELECT COLUMNPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(TABLE_SCHEMA+'.'+TABLE_NAME),COLUMN_NAME,'IsComputed') AS IS_COMPUTED, COLUMNPROPERTY(object_id(TABLE_SCHEMA+'.'+TABLE_NAME), COLUMN_NAME, 'IsIdentity') AS IS_IDENTITY, * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME='${tableName}'` } async runSQL(sql: string) { return (await this.internalQuery(getSqlQuery(sql))).recordset } /** * Fetches the tables from the sql server database and assigns them to the datasource. * @param {*} datasourceId - datasourceId to fetch * @param entities - the tables that are to be built */ async buildSchema(datasourceId: string, entities: Record) { await this.connect() let tableInfo: TablesResponse[] = await this.runSQL(this.TABLES_SQL) if (tableInfo == null || !Array.isArray(tableInfo)) { throw "Unable to get list of tables in database" } const schema = this.config.schema || DEFAULT_SCHEMA const tableNames = tableInfo .filter((record: any) => record.TABLE_SCHEMA === schema) .map((record: any) => record.TABLE_NAME) .filter((name: string) => this.MASTER_TABLES.indexOf(name) === -1) const tables: Record = {} for (let tableName of tableNames) { // get the column definition (type) const definition = await this.runSQL(this.getDefinitionSQL(tableName)) // find primary key constraints const constraints = await this.runSQL(this.getConstraintsSQL(tableName)) // find the computed and identity columns (auto columns) const columns = await this.runSQL(this.getAutoColumnsSQL(tableName)) const primaryKeys = constraints .filter( (constraint: any) => constraint.CONSTRAINT_TYPE === "PRIMARY KEY" ) .map((constraint: any) => constraint.COLUMN_NAME) const autoColumns = columns .filter((col: any) => col.IS_COMPUTED || col.IS_IDENTITY) .map((col: any) => col.COLUMN_NAME) let schema: TableSchema = {} for (let def of definition) { const name = def.COLUMN_NAME if (typeof name !== "string") { continue } schema[name] = { autocolumn: !!autoColumns.find((col: string) => col === name), name: name, ...convertSqlType(def.DATA_TYPE), externalType: def.DATA_TYPE, } } tables[tableName] = { _id: buildExternalTableId(datasourceId, tableName), primary: primaryKeys, name: tableName, schema, } } const final = finaliseExternalTables(tables, entities) this.tables = final.tables this.schemaErrors = final.errors } async read(query: SqlQuery | string) { await this.connect() const response = await this.internalQuery(getSqlQuery(query)) return response.recordset } async create(query: SqlQuery | string) { await this.connect() const response = await this.internalQuery(getSqlQuery(query)) return response.recordset || [{ created: true }] } async update(query: SqlQuery | string) { await this.connect() const response = await this.internalQuery(getSqlQuery(query)) return response.recordset || [{ updated: true }] } async delete(query: SqlQuery | string) { await this.connect() const response = await this.internalQuery(getSqlQuery(query)) return response.recordset || [{ deleted: true }] } async query(json: QueryJson) { const schema = this.config.schema await this.connect() if (schema && schema !== DEFAULT_SCHEMA && json?.endpoint) { json.endpoint.schema = schema } const operation = this._operation(json) const queryFn = (query: any, op: string) => this.internalQuery(query, op) const processFn = (result: any) => result.recordset ? result.recordset : [{ [operation]: true }] return this.queryWithReturning(json, queryFn, processFn) } } export default { schema: SCHEMA, integration: SqlServerIntegration, }