const { config, request } = require("../../../tests") const { EmailTemplatePurpose } = require("../../../constants") const nodemailer = require("nodemailer") const fetch = require("node-fetch") // for the real email tests give them a long time to try complete/fail jest.setTimeout(60000) describe("/api/global/email", () => { beforeAll(async () => { await config.beforeAll() }) afterAll(async () => { await config.afterAll() }) async function sendRealEmail(purpose) { let response, text try { await config.saveEtherealSmtpConfig() await config.saveSettingsConfig() const user = await config.getUser("") const res = await request .post(`/api/global/email/send`) .send({ email: "", purpose, userId: user._id, }) .set(config.defaultHeaders()) .timeout(20000) // ethereal hiccup, can't test right now if (res.status >= 300) { return } expect(res.body.message).toBeDefined() const testUrl = nodemailer.getTestMessageUrl(res.body) console.log(`${purpose} URL: ${testUrl}`) expect(testUrl).toBeDefined() response = await fetch(testUrl) text = await response.text() } catch (err) { // ethereal hiccup, can't test right now if (parseInt(err.status) >= 300 || (err && err.errno === "ETIME")) { return } else { throw err } } let toCheckFor switch (purpose) { case EmailTemplatePurpose.WELCOME: toCheckFor = `Thanks for getting started with Budibase's Budibase platform.` break case EmailTemplatePurpose.INVITATION: toCheckFor = `Use the button below to set up your account and get started:` break case EmailTemplatePurpose.PASSWORD_RECOVERY: toCheckFor = `You recently requested to reset your password for your Budibase account in your Budibase platform` break } expect(text).toContain(toCheckFor) } it("should be able to send a welcome email", async () => { await sendRealEmail(EmailTemplatePurpose.WELCOME) }) it("should be able to send a invitation email", async () => { await sendRealEmail(EmailTemplatePurpose.INVITATION) }) it("should be able to send a password recovery email", async () => { await sendRealEmail(EmailTemplatePurpose.PASSWORD_RECOVERY) }) })