import { JSDOM } from "jsdom" import { loadBudibase } from "../src/index" export const load = async props => { const dom = new JSDOM(``) autoAssignIds(props) setAppDef(dom.window, props) const app = await loadBudibase({ componentLibraries: allLibs(dom.window), window: dom.window, localStorage: createLocalStorage(), props, uiFunctions, }) return { dom, app } } // this happens for real by the builder... // ..this only assigns _ids when missing const autoAssignIds = (props, count = 0) => { if (!props._id) { props._id = `auto_id_${count}` } if (props._children) { for (let child of props._children) { count += 1 autoAssignIds(child, count) } } } const setAppDef = (window, props) => { window["##BUDIBASE_APPDEFINITION##"] = { componentLibraries: [], props, hierarchy: {}, appRootPath: "", } } const allLibs = window => ({ testlib: maketestlib(window), }) const createLocalStorage = () => { const data = {} return { getItem: key => data[key], setItem: (key, value) => (data[key] = value), } } const maketestlib = window => ({ div: function(opts) { const node = window.document.createElement("DIV") const defaultChild = window.document.createElement("DIV") defaultChild.className = "default-child" node.appendChild(defaultChild) let currentProps = { ...opts.props } let childNodes = [] const set = props => { currentProps = Object.assign(currentProps, props) node.className = currentProps.className || "" if (currentProps._children && currentProps._children.length > 0) { if (currentProps.append) { for (let c of childNodes) { node.removeChild(c) } const components = currentProps._bb.appendChildren( currentProps._children, node ) childNodes = => c.component._element) } else { currentProps._bb.hydrateChildren(currentProps._children, node) } } } this.$set = set this._element = node set(opts.props) }, h1: function(opts) { const node = window.document.createElement("H1") let currentProps = { ...opts.props } const set = props => { currentProps = Object.assign(currentProps, props) if (currentProps.text) { node.innerText = currentProps.text } } this.$set = set this._element = node set(opts.props) }, }) const uiFunctions = { never_render: (render, parentContext) => {}, always_render: (render, parentContext) => { render() }, three_clones: (render, parentContext) => { for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { render() } }, }