// need to load environment first import env from "./environment" // enable APM if configured if (process.env.ELASTIC_APM_ENABLED) { const apm = require("elastic-apm-node").start({ serviceName: process.env.SERVICE, environment: process.env.BUDIBASE_ENVIRONMENT, }) } import { Scope } from "@sentry/node" import { Event } from "@sentry/types/dist/event" import Application from "koa" import { bootstrap } from "global-agent" import * as db from "./db" import { auth, logging, events, pinoSettings } from "@budibase/backend-core" db.init() import Koa from "koa" import koaBody from "koa-body" import http from "http" import api from "./api" import * as redis from "./utilities/redis" const Sentry = require("@sentry/node") const koaSession = require("koa-session") const logger = require("koa-pino-logger") import destroyable from "server-destroy" // this will setup http and https proxies form env variables bootstrap() const app: Application = new Koa() app.keys = ["secret", "key"] // set up top level koa middleware app.use(koaBody({ multipart: true })) app.use(koaSession(app)) app.use(logger(pinoSettings())) // authentication app.use(auth.passport.initialize()) app.use(auth.passport.session()) // api routes app.use(api.routes()) // sentry if (env.isProd()) { Sentry.init() app.on("error", (err, ctx) => { Sentry.withScope(function (scope: Scope) { scope.addEventProcessor(function (event: Event) { return Sentry.Handlers.parseRequest(event, ctx.request) }) Sentry.captureException(err) }) }) } const server = http.createServer(app.callback()) destroyable(server) let shuttingDown = false, errCode = 0 server.on("close", async () => { if (shuttingDown) { return } shuttingDown = true console.log("Server Closed") await redis.shutdown() await events.shutdown() if (!env.isTest()) { process.exit(errCode) } }) const shutdown = () => { server.close() server.destroy() } export = server.listen(parseInt(env.PORT || "4002"), async () => { console.log(`Worker running on ${JSON.stringify(server.address())}`) await redis.init() }) process.on("uncaughtException", err => { errCode = -1 logging.logAlert("Uncaught exception.", err) shutdown() }) process.on("SIGTERM", () => { shutdown() }) process.on("SIGINT", () => { shutdown() })