import * as rowController from "../../api/controllers/row" import automationUtils from "../automationUtils" import { buildCtx } from "./utils" import { AutomationActionStepId, AutomationStep, AutomationStepInput, } from "@budibase/types" export const definition: AutomationStep = { name: "Update Row", tagline: "Update a {{}} row", icon: "Refresh", description: "Update a row in your database", type: "ACTION", internal: true, stepId: AutomationActionStepId.UPDATE_ROW, inputs: {}, schema: { inputs: { properties: { row: { type: "object", customType: "row", title: "Table", }, rowId: { type: "string", title: "Row ID", }, }, required: ["row", "rowId"], }, outputs: { properties: { row: { type: "object", customType: "row", description: "The updated row", }, response: { type: "object", description: "The response from the table", }, success: { type: "boolean", description: "Whether the action was successful", }, id: { type: "string", description: "The identifier of the updated row", }, revision: { type: "string", description: "The revision of the updated row", }, }, required: ["success", "id", "revision"], }, }, } export async function run({ inputs, appId, emitter }: AutomationStepInput) { if (inputs.rowId == null || inputs.row == null) { return { success: false, response: { message: "Invalid inputs", }, } } const tableId = inputs.row.tableId // clear any undefined, null or empty string properties so that they aren't updated for (let propKey of Object.keys(inputs.row)) { if (inputs.row[propKey] == null || inputs.row[propKey] === "") { delete inputs.row[propKey] } } // have to clean up the row, remove the table from it const ctx: any = buildCtx(appId, emitter, { body: { ...inputs.row, _id: inputs.rowId, }, params: { rowId: inputs.rowId, tableId: tableId, }, }) try { if (tableId) { inputs.row = await automationUtils.cleanUpRow(tableId, inputs.row) } await rowController.patch(ctx) return { row: ctx.body, response: ctx.message, id: ctx.body._id, revision: ctx.body._rev, success: ctx.status === 200, } } catch (err) { return { success: false, response: automationUtils.getError(err), } } }