import { execSync } from "child_process" const IPV4_PORT_REGEX = new RegExp(`0\\.0\\.0\\.0:(\\d+)->(\\d+)/tcp`, "g") interface ContainerInfo { Command: string CreatedAt: string ID: string Image: string Labels: string LocalVolumes: string Mounts: string Names: string Networks: string Ports: string RunningFor: string Size: string State: string Status: string } function getTestcontainers(): ContainerInfo[] { // We use --format json to make sure the output is nice and machine-readable, // and we use --no-trunc so that the command returns full container IDs so we // can filter on them correctly. let containers = execSync("docker ps --format json --no-trunc") .toString() .split("\n") .filter(x => x.length > 0) .map(x => JSON.parse(x) as ContainerInfo) .filter(x => x.Labels.includes("org.testcontainers=true")) if (process.env.CONTAINER_NAMESPACE) { containers = containers.filter(x => x.Labels.includes( `org.testcontainers.namespace=${process.env.CONTAINER_NAMESPACE}` ) ) } return containers } export function getContainerByImage(image: string) { const containers = getTestcontainers().filter(x => x.Image.startsWith(image)) if (containers.length > 1) { throw new Error(`Multiple containers found with image: ${image}`) } return containers[0] } export function getContainerById(id: string) { return getTestcontainers().find(x => x.ID === id) } export interface Port { host: number container: number } export function getExposedV4Ports(container: ContainerInfo): Port[] { let ports: Port[] = [] for (const match of container.Ports.matchAll(IPV4_PORT_REGEX)) { ports.push({ host: parseInt(match[1]), container: parseInt(match[2]) }) } return ports } export function getExposedV4Port(container: ContainerInfo, port: number) { return getExposedV4Ports(container).find(x => x.container === port)?.host } export function setupEnv(...envs: any[]) { // We start couchdb in globalSetup.ts, in the root of the monorepo, so it // should be relatively safe to look for it by its image name. const couch = getContainerByImage("budibase/couchdb") if (!couch) { throw new Error("CouchDB container not found") } const couchPort = getExposedV4Port(couch, 5984) if (!couchPort) { throw new Error("CouchDB port not found") } const configs = [ { key: "COUCH_DB_PORT", value: `${couchPort}` }, { key: "COUCH_DB_URL", value: `${couchPort}` }, ] for (const config of configs.filter(x => !!x.value)) { for (const env of envs) { env._set(config.key, config.value) } } }