const Router = require("@koa/router") const session = require("./session") const StatusCodes = require("../utilities/statusCodes") const fs = require("fs") const { resolve } = require("path") const send = require("koa-send") const { getPackageForBuilder, getComponents, getApps, saveScreen, renameScreen, deleteScreen, buildPage, componentLibraryInfo, listScreens, saveBackend, } = require("../utilities/builder") const builderPath = resolve(__dirname, "../builder") module.exports = (config, app) => { const router = new Router() router .use(session(config, app)) .use(async (ctx, next) => { ctx.sessionId = ctx.session._sessCtx.externalKey ctx.session.accessed = true const pathParts = ctx.path.split("/") if (pathParts.length < 2) { ctx.throw(StatusCodes.NOT_FOUND, "App Name not declared") } const appname = pathParts[1] ctx.set("x-bbappname", appname) if (appname === "_builder") { await next() } else { const instance = await ctx.master.getInstanceApiForSession( appname, ctx.sessionId ) ctx.instance = instance.instance ctx.publicPath = instance.publicPath ctx.sharedPath = instance.sharedPath ctx.isAuthenticated = !!instance.instance await next() } }) .get("/_builder", async ctx => { if (! { ctx.response.status = StatusCodes.FORBIDDEN ctx.body = "run in dev mode to access builder" return } await send(ctx, "/index.html", { root: builderPath }) }) .get("/_builder/:appname/componentlibrary", async ctx => { const info = await componentLibraryInfo( config, ctx.params.appname, ctx.query.lib ) await send(ctx, info.components._lib || "index.js", { root: info.libDir }) }) .get("/_builder/:appname/componentLibraryGenerators", async ctx => { const info = await componentLibraryInfo( config, ctx.params.appname, ctx.query.lib ) await send(ctx, info.generators._lib || "generators.js", { root: info.libDir, }) }) .get("/_builder/*", async (ctx, next) => { if (! { ctx.response.status = StatusCodes.FORBIDDEN ctx.body = "run in dev mode to access builder" return } const path = ctx.path.replace("/_builder", "") if (path.startsWith("/api/")) { await next() } else { await send(ctx, path, { root: builderPath }) } }) .post("/:appname/api/authenticate", async ctx => { const user = await ctx.master.authenticate( ctx.sessionId, ctx.params.appname, ctx.request.body.username, ctx.request.body.password ) if (!user) { ctx.throw(StatusCodes.UNAUTHORIZED, "invalid username or password") } ctx.body = user.user_json ctx.response.status = StatusCodes.OK }) .post("/:appname/api/setPasswordFromTemporaryCode", async ctx => { const instanceApi = await ctx.master.getFullAccessInstanceApiForUsername( ctx.params.appname, ctx.request.body.username ) if (!instanceApi) { ctx.request.status = StatusCodes.OK return } await instanceApi.authApi.setPasswordFromTemporaryCode( ctx.request.body.tempCode, ctx.request.body.newPassword ) ctx.response.status = StatusCodes.OK }) .post("/:appname/api/createTemporaryAccess", async ctx => { const instanceApi = await ctx.master.getFullAccessInstanceApiForUsername( ctx.params.appname, ctx.request.body.username ) if (!instanceApi) { ctx.request.status = StatusCodes.OK return } await instanceApi.authApi.createTemporaryAccess(ctx.request.body.username) ctx.response.status = StatusCodes.OK }) .get("/_builder/api/apps", async ctx => { ctx.body = await getApps(config, ctx.master) ctx.response.status = StatusCodes.OK }) .get("/_builder/api/:appname/appPackage", async ctx => { ctx.body = await getPackageForBuilder(config, ctx.params.appname) ctx.response.status = StatusCodes.OK }) .get("/_builder/api/:appname/components", async ctx => { try { ctx.body = getComponents(config, ctx.params.appname, ctx.query.lib) ctx.response.status = StatusCodes.OK } catch (e) { if (e.status) { ctx.response.status = e.status } else { throw e } } }) .get("/_builder/api/:appname/componentlibrary", async ctx => { const info = await componentLibraryInfo( config, ctx.params.appname, ctx.query.lib ? decodeURI(ctx.query.lib) : "" ) ctx.body = info.components ctx.response.status = StatusCodes.OK }) .get("/_builder/api/:appname/generators", async ctx => { const info = await componentLibraryInfo( config, ctx.params.appname, ctx.query.lib ? decodeURI(ctx.query.lib) : "" ) ctx.body = info.generators ctx.response.status = StatusCodes.OK }) .post("/_builder/api/:appname/backend", async ctx => { await saveBackend( config, ctx.params.appname, ctx.request.body.appDefinition, ctx.request.body.accessLevels ) ctx.response.status = StatusCodes.OK }) .post("/_builder/api/:appname/pages/:pageName", async ctx => { await buildPage( config, ctx.params.appname, ctx.params.pageName, ctx.request.body ) ctx.response.status = StatusCodes.OK }) .get("/_builder/api/:appname/pages/:pagename/screens", async ctx => { ctx.body = await listScreens( config, ctx.params.appname, ctx.params.pagename ) ctx.response.status = StatusCodes.OK }) .post("/_builder/api/:appname/pages/:pagename/screen", async ctx => { await saveScreen( config, ctx.params.appname, ctx.params.pagename, ctx.request.body ) ctx.response.status = StatusCodes.OK }) .patch("/_builder/api/:appname/pages/:pagename/screen", async ctx => { await renameScreen( config, ctx.params.appname, ctx.params.pagename, ctx.request.body.oldname, ctx.request.body.newname ) ctx.response.status = StatusCodes.OK }) .delete("/_builder/api/:appname/pages/:pagename/screen/*", async ctx => { const name = ctx.request.path.replace( `/_builder/api/${ctx.params.appname}/pages/${ctx.params.pagename}/screen/`, "" ) await deleteScreen( config, ctx.params.appname, ctx.params.pagename, decodeURI(name) ) ctx.response.status = StatusCodes.OK }) .get("/:appname", async ctx => { await send(ctx, "/index.html", { root: ctx.publicPath }) }) .get("/:appname/*", async (ctx, next) => { const path = ctx.path.replace(`/${ctx.params.appname}`, "") if (path.startsWith("/api/")) { await next() } else if (path.startsWith("/_shared/")) { await send(ctx, path.replace(`/_shared/`, ""), { root: ctx.sharedPath }) } else { await send(ctx, path, { root: ctx.publicPath }) } }) .use(async (ctx, next) => { if (ctx.isAuthenticated) { await next() } else { ctx.response.status = StatusCodes.UNAUTHORIZED } }) .post("/:appname/api/changeMyPassword", async ctx => { await ctx.instance.authApi.changeMyPassword( ctx.request.body.currentPassword, ctx.request.body.newPassword ) ctx.response.status = StatusCodes.OK }) .post("/:appname/api/changeMyPassword", async ctx => { await ctx.instance.authApi.changeMyPassword( ctx.request.body.currentPassword, ctx.request.body.newPassword ) ctx.response.status = StatusCodes.OK }) .post("/:appname/api/executeAction/:actionname", async ctx => { ctx.body = await ctx.instance.actionApi.execute( ctx.request.body.actionname, ctx.request.body.parameters ) ctx.response.status = StatusCodes.OK }) .post("/:appname/api/createUser", async ctx => { await ctx.instance.authApi.createUser( ctx.request.body.user, ctx.request.body.password ) ctx.response.status = StatusCodes.OK }) .post("/:appname/api/enableUser", async ctx => { await ctx.instance.authApi.enableUser(ctx.request.body.username) ctx.response.status = StatusCodes.OK }) .post("/:appname/api/disableUser", async ctx => { await ctx.instance.authApi.disableUser(ctx.request.body.username) await ctx.master.removeSessionsForUser( ctx.params.appname, ctx.request.body.username ) ctx.response.status = StatusCodes.OK }) .get("/:appname/api/users", async ctx => { ctx.body = await ctx.instance.authApi.getUsers() ctx.response.status = StatusCodes.OK }) .get("/:appname/api/accessLevels", async ctx => { ctx.body = await ctx.instance.authApi.getAccessLevels() ctx.response.status = StatusCodes.OK }) .get("/:appname/api/listRecords/:indexkey", async ctx => { ctx.body = await ctx.instance.indexApi.listItems(ctx.params.indexkey) ctx.response.status = StatusCodes.OK }) .post("/:appname/api/listRecords/:indexkey", async ctx => { ctx.body = await ctx.instance.indexApi.listItems( ctx.request.body.indexKey, { rangeStartParams: ctx.request.body.rangeStartParams, rangeEndParams: ctx.request.body.rangeEndParams, searchPhrase: ctx.request.body.searchPhrase, } ) ctx.response.status = StatusCodes.OK }) .post("/:appname/api/aggregates/:indexkey", async ctx => { ctx.body = await ctx.instance.indexApi.aggregates( ctx.request.body.indexKey, { rangeStartParams: ctx.request.body.rangeStartParams, rangeEndParams: ctx.request.body.rangeEndParams, searchPhrase: ctx.request.body.searchPhrase, } ) ctx.response.status = StatusCodes.OK }) .post("/:appname/api/files/*", async ctx => { const file = ctx.request.files.file ctx.body = await ctx.instance.recordApi.uploadFile( getRecordKey(ctx.params.appname, ctx.request.path), fs.createReadStream(file.path), ) ctx.response.status = StatusCodes.OK }) .post("/:appname/api/record/*", async ctx => { ctx.body = await ctx.response.status = StatusCodes.OK }) .get("/:appname/api/lookup_field/*", async ctx => { const recordKey = getRecordKey(ctx.params.appname, ctx.request.path) const fields = ctx.query.fields.split(",") const recordContext = await ctx.instance.recordApi.getContext(recordKey) const allContext = [] for (let field of fields) { allContext.push(await recordContext.referenceOptions(field)) } ctx.body = allContext ctx.response.status = StatusCodes.OK }) .get("/:appname/api/record/*", async ctx => { try { ctx.body = await ctx.instance.recordApi.load( getRecordKey(ctx.params.appname, ctx.request.path) ) ctx.response.status = StatusCodes.OK } catch (e) { // need to be catching for 404s here ctx.response.status = StatusCodes.INTERAL_ERROR ctx.response.body = e.message } }) .del("/:appname/api/record/*", async ctx => { await ctx.instance.recordApi.delete( getRecordKey(ctx.params.appname, ctx.request.path) ) ctx.response.status = StatusCodes.OK }) .post("/:appname/api/apphierarchy", async ctx => { ctx.body = await ctx.instance.templateApi.saveApplicationHierarchy( ctx.body ) ctx.response.status = StatusCodes.OK }) /*.post("/:appname/api/actionsAndTriggers", async (ctx) => { ctx.body = await ctx.instance.templateApi.saveApplicationHierarchy( ctx.body ); ctx.response.status = StatusCodes.OK; }) .get("/:appname/api/appDefinition", async (ctx) => { ctx.body = await ctx.instance.templateApi.saveActionsAndTriggers( ctx.body ); ctx.response.status = StatusCodes.OK; })*/ const getRecordKey = (appname, wholePath) => wholePath .replace(`/${appname}/api/files/`, "") .replace(`/${appname}/api/lookup_field/`, "") .replace(`/${appname}/api/record/`, "") return router } /* front end get authenticateTemporaryAccess {} */