const { BUILTIN_ROLE_IDS } = require("../../utilities/security/roles") const jwt = require("jsonwebtoken") const env = require("../../environment") const { basicTable, basicRow, basicRole, basicAutomation, basicDatasource, basicQuery, basicScreen, basicLayout, basicWebhook, } = require("./structures") const controllers = require("./controllers") const supertest = require("supertest") const { cleanup } = require("../../utilities/fileSystem") const { Cookies } = require("@budibase/auth") const EMAIL = "" const PASSWORD = "babs_password" class TestConfiguration { constructor(openServer = true) { if (openServer) { env.PORT = 4002 this.server = require("../../app") // we need the request for logging in, involves cookies, hard to fake this.request = supertest(this.server) } this.appId = null this.allApps = [] } getRequest() { return this.request } getAppId() { return this.appId } async _req(config, params, controlFunc) { const request = {} // fake cookies, we don't need them request.cookies = { set: () => {}, get: () => {} } request.config = { jwtSecret: env.JWT_SECRET } request.appId = this.appId request.user = { appId: this.appId } request.request = { body: config, } if (params) { request.params = params } await controlFunc(request) return request.body } async init(appName = "test_application") { return this.createApp(appName) } end() { if (this.server) { this.server.close() } cleanup( => app._id)) } defaultHeaders() { const user = { userId: "", email: "", roleId: BUILTIN_ROLE_IDS.BUILDER, builder: { global: true, }, } const app = { roleId: BUILTIN_ROLE_IDS.BUILDER, appId: this.appId, } const authToken = jwt.sign(user, env.JWT_SECRET) const appToken = jwt.sign(app, env.JWT_SECRET) const headers = { Accept: "application/json", Cookie: [ `${Cookies.Auth}=${authToken}`, `${Cookies.CurrentApp}=${appToken}`, ], } if (this.appId) { headers["x-budibase-app-id"] = this.appId } return headers } publicHeaders() { const headers = { Accept: "application/json", } if (this.appId) { headers["x-budibase-app-id"] = this.appId } return headers } async roleHeaders(email = EMAIL, roleId = BUILTIN_ROLE_IDS.ADMIN) { try { await this.createUser(email, PASSWORD, roleId) } catch (err) { // allow errors here } return this.login(email, PASSWORD) } async createApp(appName) { = await this._req({ name: appName }, null, this.appId = this.allApps.push( return } async updateTable(config = null) { config = config || basicTable() this.table = await this._req(config, null, return this.table } async createTable(config = null) { if (config != null && config._id) { delete config._id } return this.updateTable(config) } async getTable(tableId = null) { tableId = tableId || this.table._id return this._req(null, { id: tableId }, controllers.table.find) } async createLinkedTable(relationshipType = null, links = ["link"]) { if (!this.table) { throw "Must have created a table first." } const tableConfig = basicTable() tableConfig.primaryDisplay = "name" for (let link of links) { tableConfig.schema[link] = { type: "link", fieldName: link, tableId: this.table._id, name: link, } if (relationshipType) { tableConfig.schema[link].relationshipType = relationshipType } } const linkedTable = await this.createTable(tableConfig) this.linkedTable = linkedTable return linkedTable } async createAttachmentTable() { const table = basicTable() table.schema.attachment = { type: "attachment", } return this.createTable(table) } async createRow(config = null) { if (!this.table) { throw "Test requires table to be configured." } const tableId = (config && config.tableId) || this.table._id config = config || basicRow(tableId) return this._req(config, { tableId }, } async getRow(tableId, rowId) { return this._req(null, { tableId, rowId }, controllers.row.find) } async getRows(tableId) { if (!tableId && this.table) { tableId = this.table._id } return this._req(null, { tableId }, controllers.row.fetchTableRows) } async createRole(config = null) { config = config || basicRole() return this._req(config, null, } async addPermission(roleId, resourceId, level = "read") { return this._req( null, { roleId, resourceId, level, }, controllers.perms.addPermission ) } async createView(config) { if (!this.table) { throw "Test requires table to be configured." } const view = config || { map: "function(doc) { emit(doc[doc.key], doc._id); } ", tableId: this.table._id, name: "ViewTest", } return this._req(view, null, } async createAutomation(config) { config = config || basicAutomation() if (config._rev) { delete config._rev } this.automation = ( await this._req(config, null, controllers.automation.create) ).automation return this.automation } async getAllAutomations() { return this._req(null, null, controllers.automation.fetch) } async deleteAutomation(automation = null) { automation = automation || this.automation if (!automation) { return } return this._req( null, { id: automation._id, rev: automation._rev }, controllers.automation.destroy ) } async createDatasource(config = null) { config = config || basicDatasource() this.datasource = await this._req(config, null, return this.datasource } async createQuery(config = null) { if (!this.datasource && !config) { throw "No data source created for query." } config = config || basicQuery(this.datasource._id) return this._req(config, null, } async createScreen(config = null) { config = config || basicScreen() return this._req(config, null, } async createWebhook(config = null) { if (!this.automation) { throw "Must create an automation before creating webhook." } config = config || basicWebhook(this.automation._id) return (await this._req(config, null, } async createLayout(config = null) { config = config || basicLayout() return await this._req(config, null, } async createUser( email = EMAIL, password = PASSWORD, roleId = BUILTIN_ROLE_IDS.POWER ) { return this._req( { email, password, roleId, }, null, controllers.user.createMetadata ) } async makeUserInactive(email) { const user = await this._req( null, { email, }, controllers.user.findMetadata ) return this._req( { ...user, status: "inactive", }, null, controllers.user.updateMetadata ) } async login(email, password) { if (!this.request) { throw "Server has not been opened, cannot login." } if (!email || !password) { await this.createUser() } const user = { userId: "", email: EMAIL, roleId: BUILTIN_ROLE_IDS.BASIC, } const token = jwt.sign(user, env.JWT_SECRET) // returning necessary request headers return { Accept: "application/json", Cookie: [`${Cookies.Auth}=${token}`], "x-budibase-app-id": this.appId, } } } module.exports = TestConfiguration