FROM node:14-alpine LABEL com.centurylinklabs.watchtower.lifecycle.pre-check="scripts/watchtower-hooks/" LABEL com.centurylinklabs.watchtower.lifecycle.pre-update="scripts/watchtower-hooks/" LABEL"scripts/watchtower-hooks/" LABEL"scripts/watchtower-hooks/" WORKDIR /app # copy files and install dependencies COPY . ./ # handle node-gyp RUN apk add --no-cache --virtual .gyp python3 make g++ \ && yarn && apk del .gyp RUN yarn global add pm2 EXPOSE 4001 # have to add node environment production after install # due to this causing yarn to stop installing dev dependencies # which are actually needed to get this environment up and running ENV NODE_ENV=production ENV CLUSTER_MODE=${CLUSTER_MODE} ENV SERVICE=worker-service ENV POSTHOG_TOKEN=phc_fg5I3nDOf6oJVMHSaycEhpPdlgS8rzXG2r6F2IpxCHS CMD ["./"]