const { budibaseTempDir } = require("../budibaseDir") const fs = require("fs") const { join } = require("path") const uuid = require("uuid/v4") const { doWithDB, dangerousGetDB, closeDB, } = require("@budibase/backend-core/db") const { ObjectStoreBuckets } = require("../../constants") const { upload, retrieve, retrieveToTmp, streamUpload, deleteFolder, downloadTarball, } = require("./utilities") const { updateClientLibrary } = require("./clientLibrary") const env = require("../../environment") const { USER_METDATA_PREFIX, LINK_USER_METADATA_PREFIX, TABLE_ROW_PREFIX, } = require("../../db/utils") const MemoryStream = require("memorystream") const { getAppId } = require("@budibase/backend-core/context") const TOP_LEVEL_PATH = join(__dirname, "..", "..", "..") const NODE_MODULES_PATH = join(TOP_LEVEL_PATH, "node_modules") /** * The single stack system (Cloud and Builder) should not make use of the file system where possible, * this file handles all of the file access for the system with the intention of limiting it all to one * place. Keeping all of this logic in one place means that when we need to do file system access (like * downloading a package or opening a temporary file) in can be done in way that we can confirm it shouldn't * be done through an object store instead. */ /** * Upon first startup of instance there may not be everything we need in tmp directory, set it up. */ exports.init = () => { const tempDir = budibaseTempDir() if (!fs.existsSync(tempDir)) { fs.mkdirSync(tempDir) } const clientLibPath = join(budibaseTempDir(), "budibase-client.js") if (env.isTest() && !fs.existsSync(clientLibPath)) { fs.copyFileSync(require.resolve("@budibase/client"), clientLibPath) } } /** * Checks if the system is currently in development mode and if it is makes sure * everything required to function is ready. */ exports.checkDevelopmentEnvironment = () => { if (!env.isDev() || env.isTest()) { return } if (!fs.existsSync(budibaseTempDir())) { fs.mkdirSync(budibaseTempDir()) } let error if (!fs.existsSync(join(process.cwd(), ".env"))) { error = "Must run via yarn once to generate environment." } if (error) { console.error(error) process.exit(-1) } } /** * This function manages temporary template files which are stored by Koa. * @param {Object} template The template object retrieved from the Koa context object. * @returns {Object} Returns an fs read stream which can be loaded into the database. */ exports.getTemplateStream = async template => { if (template.file) { return fs.createReadStream(template.file.path) } else { const [type, name] = template.key.split("/") const tmpPath = await exports.downloadTemplate(type, name) return fs.createReadStream(join(tmpPath, name, "db", "dump.txt")) } } /** * Used to retrieve a handlebars file from the system which will be used as a template. * This is allowable as the template handlebars files should be static and identical across * the cluster. * @param {string} path The path to the handlebars file which is to be loaded. * @returns {string} The loaded handlebars file as a string - loaded as utf8. */ exports.loadHandlebarsFile = path => { return fs.readFileSync(path, "utf8") } /** * When return a file from the API need to write the file to the system temporarily so we * can create a read stream to send. * @param {string} contents the contents of the file which is to be returned from the API. * @return {Object} the read stream which can be put into the koa context body. */ exports.apiFileReturn = contents => { const path = join(budibaseTempDir(), uuid()) fs.writeFileSync(path, contents) return fs.createReadStream(path) } exports.defineFilter = includeRows => { if (includeRows) { return doc => !( doc._id.includes(USER_METDATA_PREFIX) || doc._id.includes(LINK_USER_METADATA_PREFIX) ) } else if (!includeRows) { return doc => !( doc._id.includes(USER_METDATA_PREFIX) || doc._id.includes(LINK_USER_METADATA_PREFIX) || doc._id.includes(TABLE_ROW_PREFIX) ) } } /** * Local utility to back up the database state for an app, excluding global user * data or user relationships. * @param {string} appId The app to backup * @param {object} config Config to send to export DB * @returns {*} either a string or a stream of the backup */ const backupAppData = async (appId, config, includeRows) => { return await exports.exportDB(appId, { ...config, filter: exports.defineFilter(includeRows), }) } /** * Takes a copy of the database state for an app to the object store. * @param {string} appId The ID of the app which is to be backed up. * @param {string} backupName The name of the backup located in the object store. * @return {*} a readable stream to the completed backup file */ exports.performBackup = async (appId, backupName) => { return await backupAppData(appId, { exportName: backupName }) } /** * Streams a backup of the database state for an app * @param {string} appId The ID of the app which is to be backed up. * @returns {*} a readable stream of the backup which is written in real time */ exports.streamBackup = async (appId, includeRows) => { return await backupAppData(appId, { stream: true }, includeRows) } /** * Exports a DB to either file or a variable (memory). * @param {string} dbName the DB which is to be exported. * @param {string} exportName optional - provide a filename to write the backup to a file * @param {boolean} stream optional - whether to perform a full backup * @param {function} filter optional - a filter function to clear out any un-wanted docs. * @return {*} either a readable stream or a string */ exports.exportDB = async (dbName, { stream, filter, exportName } = {}) => { // streaming a DB dump is a bit more complicated, can't close DB if (stream) { const db = dangerousGetDB(dbName) const memStream = new MemoryStream() memStream.on("end", async () => { await closeDB(db) }) db.dump(memStream, { filter }) return memStream } return doWithDB(dbName, async db => { // Write the dump to file if required if (exportName) { const path = join(budibaseTempDir(), exportName) const writeStream = fs.createWriteStream(path) await db.dump(writeStream, { filter }) // Upload the dump to the object store if self hosted if (env.SELF_HOSTED) { await streamUpload( ObjectStoreBuckets.BACKUPS, join(dbName, exportName), fs.createReadStream(path) ) } return fs.createReadStream(path) } // Stringify the dump in memory if required const memStream = new MemoryStream() let appString = "" memStream.on("data", chunk => { appString += chunk.toString() }) await db.dump(memStream, { filter }) return appString }) } /** * Writes the provided contents to a temporary file, which can be used briefly. * @param {string} fileContents contents which will be written to a temp file. * @return {string} the path to the temp file. */ exports.storeTempFile = fileContents => { const path = join(budibaseTempDir(), uuid()) fs.writeFileSync(path, fileContents) return path } /** * Utility function for getting a file read stream - a simple in memory buffered read * stream doesn't work for pouchdb. */ exports.stringToFileStream = contents => { const path = exports.storeTempFile(contents) return fs.createReadStream(path) } /** * Creates a temp file and returns it from the API. * @param {string} fileContents the contents to be returned in file. */ exports.sendTempFile = fileContents => { const path = exports.storeTempFile(fileContents) return fs.createReadStream(path) } /** * Uploads the latest client library to the object store. * @param {string} appId The ID of the app which is being created. * @return {Promise} once promise completes app resources should be ready in object store. */ exports.createApp = async appId => { await updateClientLibrary(appId) } /** * Removes all of the assets created for an app in the object store. * @param {string} appId The ID of the app which is being deleted. * @return {Promise} once promise completes the app resources will be removed from object store. */ exports.deleteApp = async appId => { await deleteFolder(ObjectStoreBuckets.APPS, `${appId}/`) } /** * Retrieves a template and pipes it to minio as well as making it available temporarily. * @param {string} type The type of template which is to be retrieved. * @param name * @return {Promise<*>} */ exports.downloadTemplate = async (type, name) => { const DEFAULT_TEMPLATES_BUCKET = "" const templateUrl = `https://${DEFAULT_TEMPLATES_BUCKET}/templates/${type}/${name}.tar.gz` return downloadTarball(templateUrl, ObjectStoreBuckets.TEMPLATES, type) } /** * Retrieves component libraries from object store (or tmp symlink if in local) */ exports.getComponentLibraryManifest = async library => { const appId = getAppId() const filename = "manifest.json" /* istanbul ignore next */ // when testing in cypress and so on we need to get the package // as the environment may not be fully fleshed out for dev or prod if (env.isTest()) { library = library.replace("standard-components", "client") const lib = library.split("/")[1] const path = require.resolve(library).split(lib)[0] return require(join(path, lib, filename)) } else if (env.isDev()) { const path = join(NODE_MODULES_PATH, "@budibase", "client", filename) // always load from new so that updates are refreshed delete require.cache[require.resolve(path)] return require(path) } let resp try { // Try to load the manifest from the new file location const path = join(appId, filename) resp = await retrieve(ObjectStoreBuckets.APPS, path) } catch (error) { // Fallback to loading it from the old location for old apps const path = join(appId, "node_modules", library, "package", filename) resp = await retrieve(ObjectStoreBuckets.APPS, path) } if (typeof resp !== "string") { resp = resp.toString("utf8") } return JSON.parse(resp) } /** * All file reads come through here just to make sure all of them make sense * allows a centralised location to check logic is all good. */ exports.readFileSync = (filepath, options = "utf8") => { return fs.readFileSync(filepath, options) } /** * Given a set of app IDs makes sure file system is cleared of any of their temp info. */ exports.cleanup = appIds => { for (let appId of appIds) { const path = join(budibaseTempDir(), appId) if (fs.existsSync(path)) { fs.rmdirSync(path, { recursive: true }) } } } /** * Full function definition for below can be found in the utilities. */ exports.upload = upload exports.retrieve = retrieve exports.retrieveToTmp = retrieveToTmp exports.TOP_LEVEL_PATH = TOP_LEVEL_PATH exports.NODE_MODULES_PATH = NODE_MODULES_PATH