const CouchDB = require("../../db") const ClientDb = require("../../db/clientDb") const { getPackageForBuilder } = require("../../utilities/builder") const newid = require("../../db/newid") const env = require("../../environment") const instanceController = require("./instance") const { resolve, join } = require("path") const { copy, exists, readFile, writeFile } = require("fs-extra") const { budibaseAppsDir } = require("../../utilities/budibaseDir") const { exec } = require("child_process") const sqrl = require("squirrelly") const setBuilderToken = require("../../utilities/builder/setBuilderToken") exports.fetch = async function(ctx) { const db = new CouchDB( const body = await db.query("client/by_type", { include_docs: true, key: ["app"], }) ctx.body = => row.doc) } exports.fetchAppPackage = async function(ctx) { const clientId = await lookupClientId(ctx.params.applicationId) const db = new CouchDB( const application = await db.get(ctx.params.applicationId) ctx.body = await getPackageForBuilder(ctx.config, application) /* instance is hardcoded now - this can only change when we move pages and screens into the database */ const devInstance = application.instances.find( i => === `dev-${clientId}` ) setBuilderToken(ctx, ctx.params.applicationId, devInstance._id) } exports.create = async function(ctx) { const clientId = (ctx.request.body && ctx.request.body.clientId) || env.CLIENT_ID if (!clientId) { ctx.throw(400, "ClientId not suplied") } const appId = newid() // insert an appId -> clientId lookup const masterDb = new CouchDB("clientAppLookup") await masterDb.put({ _id: appId, clientId, }) const db = new CouchDB( const newApplication = { _id: appId, type: "app", instances: [], userInstanceMap: {}, componentLibraries: [ "@budibase/standard-components", "@budibase/materialdesign-components", ], name:, description: ctx.request.body.description, } const { rev } = await db.put(newApplication) newApplication._rev = rev const createInstCtx = { user: { appId: newApplication._id, }, request: { body: { name: `dev-${clientId}` }, }, } await instanceController.create(createInstCtx) newApplication.instances.push(createInstCtx.body) if (ctx.isDev) { const newAppFolder = await createEmptyAppPackage(ctx, newApplication) await runNpmInstall(newAppFolder) } ctx.status = 200 ctx.body = newApplication ctx.message = `Application ${} created successfully` } const createEmptyAppPackage = async (ctx, app) => { const templateFolder = resolve( __dirname, "..", "..", "utilities", "appDirectoryTemplate" ) const appsFolder = budibaseAppsDir() const newAppFolder = resolve(appsFolder, app._id) if (await exists(newAppFolder)) { ctx.throw(400, "App folder already exists for this application") } await copy(templateFolder, newAppFolder) await updateJsonFile(join(appsFolder, app._id, "package.json"), { name: npmFriendlyAppName(, }) await updateJsonFile( join(appsFolder, app._id, "pages", "main", "page.json"), app ) await updateJsonFile( join(appsFolder, app._id, "pages", "unauthenticated", "page.json"), app ) return newAppFolder } const lookupClientId = async appId => { const masterDb = new CouchDB("clientAppLookup") const { clientId } = await masterDb.get(appId) return clientId } const getClientId = ctx => { const clientId = (ctx.request.body && ctx.request.body.clientId) || (ctx.query && ctx.query.clientId) || env.CLIENT_ID if (!clientId) { ctx.throw(400, "ClientId not suplied") } return clientId } const updateJsonFile = async (filePath, app) => { const json = await readFile(filePath, "utf8") const newJson = sqrl.Render(json, app) await writeFile(filePath, newJson, "utf8") } const runNpmInstall = async newAppFolder => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const cmd = `cd ${newAppFolder} && npm install` exec(cmd, (error, stdout, stderr) => { if (error) { reject(error) } resolve(stdout ? stdout : stderr) }) }) } const npmFriendlyAppName = name => name .replace(/_/g, "") .replace(/./g, "") .replace(/ /g, "") .toLowerCase()