// *********************************************** // This example commands.js shows you how to // create various custom commands and overwrite // existing commands. // // For more comprehensive examples of custom // commands please read more here: // https://on.cypress.io/custom-commands // *********************************************** // // // -- This is a parent command -- // Cypress.Commands.add("login", (email, password) => { ... }) // // // -- This is a child command -- // Cypress.Commands.add("drag", { prevSubject: 'element'}, (subject, options) => { ... }) // // // -- This is a dual command -- // Cypress.Commands.add("dismiss", { prevSubject: 'optional'}, (subject, options) => { ... }) // // // -- This will overwrite an existing command -- // Cypress.Commands.overwrite("visit", (originalFn, url, options) => { ... }) Cypress.Commands.add("createApp", name => { cy.contains("Create New Web App").click() cy.get("body") .then($body => { if ($body.find("input[name=apiKey]").length) { // input was found, do something else here cy.get("input[name=apiKey]") .type(name) .should("have.value", name) cy.contains("Next").click() } }) .then(() => { cy.get("input[name=applicationName]") .type(name) .should("have.value", name) cy.contains("Next").click() cy.get("input[name=username]") .click() .type("test") cy.get("input[name=password]") .click() .type("test") cy.contains("Submit").click() cy.contains("Create New Table", { timeout: 10000, }).should("be.visible") }) }) Cypress.Commands.add("createTable", tableName => { // Enter model name cy.contains("Create New Table").click() cy.get("[placeholder='Table Name']").type(tableName) // Add 'name' field cy.contains("Save").click() cy.contains(tableName).should("be.visible") }) Cypress.Commands.add("addColumn", (tableName, columnName, type) => { // Select Table cy.contains(tableName).click() cy.contains("Create New Column").click() cy.get("[placeholder=Name]").type(columnName) cy.get("select").select(type) cy.contains("Save Column") cy.contains("Save").click() }) Cypress.Commands.add("addRecord", values => { cy.contains("Create New Row").click() for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { cy.get("input") .eq(i) .type(values[i]) } // Save cy.contains("Save").click() }) Cypress.Commands.add("createUser", (username, password) => { // Create User cy.get(".toprightnav > .settings").click() cy.contains("Users").click() cy.get("[name=Name]") .first() .type(username) cy.get("[name=Password]") .first() .type(password) // Save cy.get(".create-button").click() }) Cypress.Commands.add("addHeadlineComponent", text => { cy.get(".switcher > :nth-child(2)").click() cy.get("[data-cy=Text]").click() cy.get("[data-cy=Headline]").click() cy.get(".tabs > :nth-child(2)").click() cy.contains("Settings").click() cy.get('input[name="text"]').type(text) cy.contains("Design").click() }) Cypress.Commands.add("addButtonComponent", () => { cy.get(".switcher > :nth-child(2)").click() cy.get("[data-cy=Button]").click() }) Cypress.Commands.add("navigateToFrontend", () => { cy.contains("frontend").click() }) Cypress.Commands.add("createScreen", (screenName, route) => { cy.get(".newscreen").click() cy.get(".uk-input:first").type(screenName) if (route) { cy.get(".uk-input:last").type(route) } cy.get(".uk-modal-footer").within(() => { cy.contains("Create Screen").click() }) cy.get(".nav-items-container").within(() => { cy.contains(screenName).should("exist") }) })