const jwt = require("jsonwebtoken") const CouchDB = require("../../db") const ClientDb = require("../../db/clientDb") const bcrypt = require("../../utilities/bcrypt") exports.authenticate = async ctx => { const { username, password } = ctx.request.body if (!username) ctx.throw(400, "Username Required.") if (!password) ctx.throw(400, "Password Required") const masterDb = new CouchDB("master") const { clientId } = await masterDb.get(ctx.params.appId) if (!clientId) { ctx.throw(400, "ClientId not suplied") } // find the instance that the user is associated with const db = new CouchDB( const appId = ctx.params.appId const app = await db.get(appId) const instanceId = app.userInstanceMap[username] if (!instanceId) ctx.throw(500, "User is not associated with an instance of app", appId) // Check the user exists in the instance DB by username const instanceDb = new CouchDB(instanceId) let dbUser try { dbUser = await instanceDb.get(`user_${username}`) } catch (_) { // do not want to throw a 404 - as this could be // used to dtermine valid usernames ctx.throw(401, "Invalid Credentials") } // authenticate if (await, dbUser.password)) { const payload = { userId: dbUser._id, accessLevelId: dbUser.accessLevelId, instanceId: instanceId, } const token = jwt.sign(payload, ctx.config.jwtSecret, { expiresIn: "1 day", }) const ONE_DAY_FROM_NOW = new Date( + 24 * 3600) ctx.cookies.set("budibase:token", token, { expires: ONE_DAY_FROM_NOW }) ctx.body = { token, ...dbUser, } } else { ctx.throw(401, "Invalid credentials.") } }