const fetch = require("node-fetch") const RequestType = { POST: "POST", GET: "GET", PUT: "PUT", DELETE: "DELETE", PATCH: "PATCH", } const BODY_REQUESTS = [RequestType.POST, RequestType.PUT, RequestType.PATCH] /** * Note, there is some functionality in this that is not currently exposed as it * is complex and maybe better to be opinionated here. * GET/DELETE requests cannot handle body elements so they will not be sent if configured. */ module.exports.definition = { name: "Outgoing webhook", tagline: "Send a {{inputs.requestMethod}} request", icon: "ri-send-plane-line", description: "Send a request of specified method to a URL", type: "ACTION", stepId: "OUTGOING_WEBHOOK", inputs: { requestMethod: "POST", url: "http://", requestBody: "{}", }, schema: { inputs: { properties: { requestMethod: { type: "string", enum: Object.values(RequestType), title: "Request method", }, url: { type: "string", title: "URL", }, requestBody: { type: "string", title: "JSON Body", customType: "wide", }, }, required: ["requestMethod", "url"], }, outputs: { properties: { response: { type: "object", description: "The response from the webhook", }, success: { type: "boolean", description: "Whether the action was successful", }, }, required: ["response", "success"], }, }, } = async function({ inputs }) { let { requestMethod, url, requestBody } = inputs if (!url.startsWith("http")) { url = `http://${url}` } const request = { method: requestMethod, } if ( requestBody && requestBody.length !== 0 && BODY_REQUESTS.indexOf(requestMethod) !== -1 ) { request.body = JSON.parse(requestBody) } try { const response = await fetch(url, request) return { response: await response.json(), success: response.status === 200, } } catch (err) { return { success: false, response: err, } } }