import filterTests from "../support/filterTests" const interact = require('../support/interact') filterTests(['all'], () => { context("Rename an App", () => { beforeEach(() => { cy.login() cy.createTestApp() }) it("should rename an unpublished application", () => { const appName = "Cypress Tests" const appRename = "Cypress Renamed" // Rename app, Search for app, Confirm name was changed cy.visit(`${Cypress.config().baseUrl}/builder`) cy.wait(500) renameApp(appName, appRename) cy.reload() cy.wait(1000) cy.searchForApplication(appRename) cy.get(interact.APP_TABLE).find(interact.TITLE).should("have.length", 1) cy.applicationInAppTable(appRename) // Set app name back to Cypress Tests cy.reload() cy.wait(1000) renameApp(appRename, appName) }) xit("Should rename a published application", () => { // It is not possible to rename a published application const appName = "Cypress Tests" const appRename = "Cypress Renamed" // Publish the app cy.get(interact.TOP_RIGHT_NAV) cy.get(interact.SPECTRUM_BUTTON).contains("Publish").click({ force: true }) cy.get(interact.SPECTRUM_DIALOG_GRID) .within(() => { // Click publish again within the modal cy.get(interact.SPECTRUM_BUTTON).contains("Publish").click({ force: true }) }) // Rename app, Search for app, Confirm name was changed cy.visit(`${Cypress.config().baseUrl}/builder`) cy.wait(500) renameApp(appName, appRename, true) cy.get(interact.APP_TABLE).find(interact.WRAPPER).should("have.length", 1) cy.applicationInAppTable(appRename) }) it("Should try to rename an application to have no name", () => { const appName = "Cypress Tests" cy.visit(`${Cypress.config().baseUrl}/builder`) cy.wait(500) renameApp(appName, " ", false, true) cy.wait(500) // Close modal and confirm name has not been changed cy.get(interact.SPECTRUM_DIALOG_GRID).contains("Cancel").click() cy.reload() cy.wait(1000) cy.applicationInAppTable(appName) }) xit("Should create two applications with the same name", () => { // It is not possible to have applications with the same name const appName = "Cypress Tests" cy.visit(`${Cypress.config().baseUrl}/builder`) cy.wait(500) cy.get(interact.SPECTRUM_BUTTON).contains("Create app").click({ force: true }) cy.contains(/Start from scratch/).click() cy.get(interact.SPECTRUM_MODAL) .within(() => { cy.get("input").eq(0).type(appName) cy.get(interact.SPECTRUM_BUTTON_GROUP).contains("Create app").click({ force: true }) cy.get(interact.ERROR).should("have.text", "Another app with the same name already exists") }) }) it("should validate application names", () => { // App name must be letters, numbers and spaces only // This test checks numbers and special characters specifically const appName = "Cypress Tests" const numberName = 12345 const specialCharName = "£$%^" cy.visit(`${Cypress.config().baseUrl}/builder`) cy.wait(500) renameApp(appName, numberName) cy.reload() cy.wait(1000) cy.applicationInAppTable(numberName) cy.reload() cy.wait(1000) renameApp(numberName, specialCharName) cy.get(interact.ERROR).should("have.text", "App name must be letters, numbers and spaces only") // Set app name back to Cypress Tests cy.reload() cy.wait(1000) renameApp(numberName, appName) }) const renameApp = (originalName, changedName, published, noName) => { cy.searchForApplication(originalName) cy.get(interact.APP_TABLE) .within(() => { cy.get(interact.AREA_LABEL_MORE).eq(0).click() }) // Check for when an app is published if (published == true) { // Should not have Edit as option, will unpublish app cy.should("not.have.value", "Edit") cy.get(interact.SPECTRUM_MENU).contains("Unpublish").click() cy.get(interact.SPECTRUM_DIALOG_GRID).contains("Unpublish app").click() cy.get(".appTable > :nth-child(5) > :nth-child(2) > .spectrum-Icon").click() } cy.get(interact.APP_ROW_ACTION_MENU_POPOVER).eq(0).within(() => { cy.get(interact.SPECTRUM_MENU_ITEMM).contains("Edit").click({ force: true }) }) cy.updateAppName(changedName, noName) } }) })