// need to load environment first import { ExtendableContext } from "koa" import * as env from "./environment" // check we can import pro types no matter the installation method (budibase-pro or budibase) import * as pro from "@budibase/pro" import { poc, License } from "@budibase/pro" // check we can use pro types no matter the installation const license: License = { id: "123" } console.log(license) // log the difference between how pro is imported // in budibase these will be undefined // in budibase-pro these will be defined console.log(poc) console.log(pro) if (env.PRO) { // check only pro logic runs in pro console.log("PRO") } const CouchDB = require("./db") require("@budibase/backend-core").init(CouchDB) const Koa = require("koa") const destroyable = require("server-destroy") const koaBody = require("koa-body") const pino = require("koa-pino-logger") const http = require("http") const api = require("./api") const eventEmitter = require("./events") const automations = require("./automations/index") const Sentry = require("@sentry/node") const fileSystem = require("./utilities/fileSystem") const bullboard = require("./automations/bullboard") const redis = require("./utilities/redis") import * as migrations from "./migrations" const app = new Koa() // set up top level koa middleware app.use( koaBody({ multipart: true, formLimit: "10mb", jsonLimit: "10mb", textLimit: "10mb", enableTypes: ["json", "form", "text"], parsedMethods: ["POST", "PUT", "PATCH", "DELETE"], }) ) app.use( pino({ prettyPrint: { levelFirst: true, }, level: env.LOG_LEVEL || "error", }) ) if (!env.isTest()) { const plugin = bullboard.init() app.use(plugin) } app.context.eventEmitter = eventEmitter app.context.auth = {} // api routes app.use(api.routes()) if (env.isProd()) { env._set("NODE_ENV", "production") Sentry.init() app.on("error", (err: any, ctx: ExtendableContext) => { Sentry.withScope(function (scope: any) { scope.addEventProcessor(function (event: any) { return Sentry.Handlers.parseRequest(event, ctx.request) }) Sentry.captureException(err) }) }) } const server = http.createServer(app.callback()) destroyable(server) server.on("close", async () => { if (env.NODE_ENV !== "jest") { console.log("Server Closed") } await redis.shutdown() }) module.exports = server.listen(env.PORT || 0, async () => { console.log(`Budibase running on ${JSON.stringify(server.address())}`) env._set("PORT", server.address().port) eventEmitter.emitPort(env.PORT) fileSystem.init() await redis.init() await automations.init() }) const shutdown = () => { server.close() server.destroy() } process.on("uncaughtException", err => { console.error(err) shutdown() }) process.on("SIGTERM", () => { shutdown() }) // run migrations on startup if not done via http // not recommended in a clustered environment if (!env.HTTP_MIGRATIONS) { migrations.migrate().catch(err => { console.error("Error performing migrations. Exiting.\n", err) shutdown() }) }