#!/usr/bin/env node const compose = require("docker-compose") const path = require("path") const fs = require("fs") const { processStringSync } = require("@budibase/string-templates") function isLinux() { return process.platform !== "darwin" && process.platform !== "win32" } // This script wraps docker-compose allowing you to manage your dev infrastructure with simple commands. const CONFIG = { cwd: path.resolve(process.cwd(), "../../hosting"), config: "docker-compose.dev.yaml", log: true, } const Commands = { Up: "up", Down: "down", Nuke: "nuke", } async function init() { // generate envoy file, always do this incase it has changed const hostingPath = path.join(process.cwd(), "..", "..", "hosting") const envoyHbsPath = path.join(hostingPath, "nginx.dev.conf.hbs") const envoyOutputPath = path.join(hostingPath, ".generated-nginx.dev.conf") const contents = fs.readFileSync(envoyHbsPath, "utf8") const config = { address: isLinux() ? "" : "host.docker.internal", } fs.writeFileSync(envoyOutputPath, processStringSync(contents, config)) const envFilePath = path.join(process.cwd(), ".env") if (!fs.existsSync(envFilePath)) { const envFileJson = { PORT: 4001, MINIO_URL: "http://localhost:10000/", COUCH_DB_URL: "http://budibase:budibase@localhost:10000/db/", REDIS_URL: "localhost:6379", WORKER_URL: "http://localhost:4002", INTERNAL_API_KEY: "budibase", JWT_SECRET: "testsecret", REDIS_PASSWORD: "budibase", MINIO_ACCESS_KEY: "budibase", MINIO_SECRET_KEY: "budibase", COUCH_DB_PASSWORD: "budibase", COUCH_DB_USER: "budibase", SELF_HOSTED: 1, DISABLE_ACCOUNT_PORTAL: "", MULTI_TENANCY: "", DISABLE_THREADING: 1, } let envFile = "" Object.keys(envFileJson).forEach(key => { envFile += `${key}=${envFileJson[key]}\n` }) fs.writeFileSync(envFilePath, envFile) } } async function up() { console.log("Spinning up your budibase dev environment... ๐Ÿ”งโœจ") await init() await compose.upAll(CONFIG) } async function down() { console.log("Spinning down your budibase dev environment... ๐ŸŒ‡") await compose.stop(CONFIG) } async function nuke() { console.log( "Clearing down your budibase dev environment, including all containers and volumes... ๐Ÿ’ฅ" ) await compose.down({ ...CONFIG, // stop containers, delete volumes commandOptions: ["-v", "--remove-orphans"], }) } const managementCommand = process.argv.slice(2)[0] if ( !managementCommand || !Object.values(Commands).some(command => managementCommand === command) ) { throw new Error( "You must supply either an 'up', 'down' or 'nuke' commmand to manage the budibase development environment." ) } let command switch (managementCommand) { case Commands.Up: command = up break case Commands.Down: command = down break case Commands.Nuke: command = nuke break default: command = up } command() .then(() => { console.log("Done! ๐ŸŽ‰") }) .catch(err => { console.error( "Something went wrong while managing budibase dev environment:", err.message ) })