import { db as dbCore, roles, context, cache, tenancy, } from "@budibase/backend-core" import { BBContext, App } from "@budibase/types" import { allUsers } from "../../../sdk/users" export async function fetch(ctx: BBContext) { const tenantId = ctx.user!.tenantId // always use the dev apps as they'll be most up to date (true) const apps = (await dbCore.getAllApps({ tenantId, all: true })) as App[] const promises = [] for (let app of apps) { // use dev app IDs promises.push(roles.getAllRoles(app.appId)) } const roleList = await Promise.all(promises) const response: any = {} for (let app of apps) { const deployedAppId = dbCore.getProdAppID(app.appId) response[deployedAppId] = { roles: roleList.shift(), name:, version: app.version, url: app.url, } } ctx.body = response } export async function find(ctx: BBContext) { const appId = ctx.params.appId await context.doInAppContext(dbCore.getDevAppID(appId), async () => { const db = context.getAppDB() const app = await db.get(dbCore.DocumentType.APP_METADATA) ctx.body = { roles: await roles.getAllRoles(), name:, version: app.version, url: app.url, } }) } export async function removeAppRole(ctx: BBContext) { const { appId } = ctx.params const db = tenancy.getGlobalDB() const users = await allUsers() const bulk = [] const cacheInvalidations = [] for (let user of users) { if (user.roles[appId]) { cacheInvalidations.push(cache.user.invalidateUser(user._id)) delete user.roles[appId] bulk.push(user) } } await db.bulkDocs(bulk) await Promise.all(cacheInvalidations) ctx.body = { message: "App role removed from all users", } }