// Mock data require("./utilities/test-config") const database = require("../../../db") const { authenticateThirdParty } = require("../third-party-common") const { data } = require("./utilities/mock-data") const { StaticDatabases, generateGlobalUserID } = require("../../../db/utils") const { newid } = require("../../../hashing") let db const done = jest.fn() const getErrorMessage = () => { return done.mock.calls[0][2].message } const saveUser = async (user) => { return await db.put(user) } describe("third party common", () => { describe("authenticateThirdParty", () => { let thirdPartyUser beforeEach(() => { db = database.getDB(StaticDatabases.GLOBAL.name) thirdPartyUser = data.buildThirdPartyUser() }) afterEach(async () => { jest.clearAllMocks() await db.destroy() }) describe("validation", () => { const testValidation = async (message) => { await authenticateThirdParty(thirdPartyUser, false, done, saveUser) expect(done.mock.calls.length).toBe(1) expect(getErrorMessage()).toContain(message) } it("provider fails", async () => { delete thirdPartyUser.provider testValidation("third party user provider required") }) it("user id fails", async () => { delete thirdPartyUser.userId testValidation("third party user id required") }) it("email fails", async () => { delete thirdPartyUser.email testValidation("third party user email required") }) }) const expectUserIsAuthenticated = () => { const user = done.mock.calls[0][1] expect(user).toBeDefined() expect(user._id).toBeDefined() expect(user._rev).toBeDefined() expect(user.token).toBeDefined() return user } const expectUserIsSynced = (user, thirdPartyUser) => { expect(user.provider).toBe(thirdPartyUser.provider) expect(user.firstName).toBe(thirdPartyUser.profile.name.givenName) expect(user.lastName).toBe(thirdPartyUser.profile.name.familyName) expect(user.thirdPartyProfile).toStrictEqual(thirdPartyUser.profile._json) expect(user.oauth2).toStrictEqual(thirdPartyUser.oauth2) } describe("when the user doesn't exist", () => { describe("when a local account is required", () => { it("returns an error message", async () => { await authenticateThirdParty(thirdPartyUser, true, done, saveUser) expect(done.mock.calls.length).toBe(1) expect(getErrorMessage()).toContain("Email does not yet exist. You must set up your local budibase account first.") }) }) describe("when a local account isn't required", () => { it("creates and authenticates the user", async () => { await authenticateThirdParty(thirdPartyUser, false, done, saveUser) const user = expectUserIsAuthenticated() expectUserIsSynced(user, thirdPartyUser) expect(user.roles).toStrictEqual({}) }) }) }) describe("when the user exists", () => { let dbUser let id let email const createUser = async () => { dbUser = { _id: id, email: email, } const response = await db.put(dbUser) dbUser._rev = response.rev } const expectUserIsUpdated = (user) => { // id is unchanged expect(user._id).toBe(id) // user is updated expect(user._rev).not.toBe(dbUser._rev) } describe("exists by email", () => { beforeEach(async () => { id = generateGlobalUserID(newid()) // random id email = thirdPartyUser.email // matching email await createUser() }) it("syncs and authenticates the user", async () => { await authenticateThirdParty(thirdPartyUser, true, done, saveUser) const user = expectUserIsAuthenticated() expectUserIsSynced(user, thirdPartyUser) expectUserIsUpdated(user) }) }) describe("exists by email with different casing", () => { beforeEach(async () => { id = generateGlobalUserID(newid()) // random id email = thirdPartyUser.email.toUpperCase() // matching email except for casing await createUser() }) it("syncs and authenticates the user", async () => { await authenticateThirdParty(thirdPartyUser, true, done, saveUser) const user = expectUserIsAuthenticated() expectUserIsSynced(user, thirdPartyUser) expectUserIsUpdated(user) expect(user.email).toBe(thirdPartyUser.email.toUpperCase()) }) }) describe("exists by id", () => { beforeEach(async () => { id = generateGlobalUserID(thirdPartyUser.userId) // matching id email = "test@test.com" // random email await createUser() }) it("syncs and authenticates the user", async () => { await authenticateThirdParty(thirdPartyUser, true, done, saveUser) const user = expectUserIsAuthenticated() expectUserIsSynced(user, thirdPartyUser) expectUserIsUpdated(user) }) }) }) }) })