Authentication Every budibase app comes with basic authentication (email/password) included. You can add additional authentication methods from the options below. {#if}
To allow users to authenticate using their Google accounts, fill out the fields below.
{#each GoogleConfigFields.Google as field}
{#if field.copyButton}
copyToClipboard(field.placeholder)} >
{/if} {#if providers.oidc}
OpenID Connect
To allow users to authenticate using OIDC, fill out the fields below.
{#each OIDCConfigFields.Oidc as field}
{#if field.copyButton}
copyToClipboard(field.placeholder)} >
To customize your login button, fill out the fields below.
onFileSelected(e)} bind:this={fileinput} />
Changes to your authentication scopes will only take effect when you next log in. Please refer to your vendor documentation before modification.
{ if (!scopesFields[0].inputText) { scopesFields[0].error = null } if ( e.key === "Enter" || e.keyCode === 13 || e.code == "Space" || e.keyCode == 32 ) { let scopes = providers.oidc.config.configs[0]["scopes"] ? providers.oidc.config.configs[0]["scopes"] : [...defaultScopes] let update = scopesFields[0].inputText.trim() if (HasSpacesRegex.test(update)) { scopesFields[0].error = "Auth scopes cannot contain spaces, double quotes or backslashes" return } else if (scopes.indexOf(update) > -1) { scopesFields[0].error = "Auth scope already exists" return } else if (!update.length) { scopesFields[0].inputText = null scopesFields[0].error = null return } else { scopesFields[0].error = null scopes.push(update) providers.oidc.config.configs[0]["scopes"] = scopes scopesFields[0].inputText = null } } }} />
openid {#each providers.oidc.config.configs[0]["scopes"] || [...defaultScopes] as tag, idx} { let idxScopes = providers.oidc.config.configs[0]["scopes"] if (idxScopes.length == 1) { idxScopes.pop() } else { idxScopes.splice(idx, 1) refreshScopes(0) } }} > {tag} {/each}