const fetch = require("node-fetch") const OIDCStrategy = require("@techpass/passport-openidconnect").Strategy const { authenticateThirdParty } = require("./third-party-common") const { ssoCallbackUrl } = require("./utils") const { Configs } = require("../../../constants") const buildVerifyFn = saveUserFn => { /** * @param {*} issuer The identity provider base URL * @param {*} sub The user ID * @param {*} profile The user profile information. Created by passport from the /userinfo response * @param {*} jwtClaims The parsed id_token claims * @param {*} accessToken The access_token for contacting the identity provider - may or may not be a JWT * @param {*} refreshToken The refresh_token for obtaining a new access_token - usually not a JWT * @param {*} idToken The id_token - always a JWT * @param {*} params The response body from requesting an access_token * @param {*} done The passport callback: err, user, info */ return async ( issuer, sub, profile, jwtClaims, accessToken, refreshToken, idToken, params, done ) => { const thirdPartyUser = { // store the issuer info to enable sync in future provider: issuer, providerType: "oidc", userId:, profile: profile, email: getEmail(profile, jwtClaims), oauth2: { accessToken: accessToken, refreshToken: refreshToken, }, } return authenticateThirdParty( thirdPartyUser, false, // don't require local accounts to exist done, saveUserFn ) } } /** * @param {*} profile The structured profile created by passport using the user info endpoint * @param {*} jwtClaims The claims returned in the id token */ function getEmail(profile, jwtClaims) { // profile not guaranteed to contain email e.g. github connected azure ad account if ( { return } // fallback to id token email if ( { return } // fallback to id token preferred username const username = jwtClaims.preferred_username if (username && validEmail(username)) { return username } throw new Error( `Could not determine user email from profile ${JSON.stringify( profile )} and claims ${JSON.stringify(jwtClaims)}` ) } function validEmail(value) { return ( value && !!value.match( /^(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/ ) ) } /** * Create an instance of the oidc passport strategy. This wrapper fetches the configuration * from couchDB rather than environment variables, using this factory is necessary for dynamically configuring passport. * @returns Dynamically configured Passport OIDC Strategy */ exports.strategyFactory = async function (config, saveUserFn) { try { const verify = buildVerifyFn(saveUserFn) const strategy = new OIDCStrategy(config, verify) = "oidc" return strategy } catch (err) { console.error(err) throw new Error("Error constructing OIDC authentication strategy", err) } } exports.fetchStrategyConfig = async function (enrichedConfig, callbackUrl) { try { const { clientID, clientSecret, configUrl } = enrichedConfig if (!clientID || !clientSecret || !callbackUrl || !configUrl) { //check for remote config and all required elements throw new Error( "Configuration invalid. Must contain clientID, clientSecret, callbackUrl and configUrl" ) } const response = await fetch(configUrl) if (!response.ok) { throw new Error( `Unexpected response when fetching openid-configuration: ${response.statusText}` ) } const body = await response.json() return { issuer: body.issuer, authorizationURL: body.authorization_endpoint, tokenURL: body.token_endpoint, userInfoURL: body.userinfo_endpoint, clientID: clientID, clientSecret: clientSecret, callbackURL: callbackUrl, } } catch (err) { console.error(err) throw new Error("Error constructing OIDC authentication configuration", err) } } exports.getCallbackUrl = async function (db, config) { return ssoCallbackUrl(db, config, Configs.OIDC) } // expose for testing exports.buildVerifyFn = buildVerifyFn