const GoogleStrategy = require("passport-google-oauth").OAuth2Strategy const { ssoCallbackUrl } = require("./utils") const { authenticateThirdParty } = require("./third-party-common") const { Configs } = require("../../../constants") const buildVerifyFn = saveUserFn => { return (accessToken, refreshToken, profile, done) => { const thirdPartyUser = { provider: profile.provider, // should always be 'google' providerType: "google", userId:, profile: profile, email:, oauth2: { accessToken, refreshToken, }, } return authenticateThirdParty( thirdPartyUser, true, // require local accounts to exist done, saveUserFn ) } } /** * Create an instance of the google passport strategy. This wrapper fetches the configuration * from couchDB rather than environment variables, using this factory is necessary for dynamically configuring passport. * @returns Dynamically configured Passport Google Strategy */ exports.strategyFactory = async function (config, callbackUrl, saveUserFn) { try { const { clientID, clientSecret } = config if (!clientID || !clientSecret) { throw new Error( "Configuration invalid. Must contain google clientID and clientSecret" ) } const verify = buildVerifyFn(saveUserFn) return new GoogleStrategy( { clientID: config.clientID, clientSecret: config.clientSecret, callbackURL: callbackUrl, }, verify ) } catch (err) { console.error(err) throw new Error( `Error constructing google authentication strategy: ${err}`, err ) } } exports.getCallbackUrl = async function (db, config) { return ssoCallbackUrl(db, config, Configs.GOOGLE) } // expose for testing exports.buildVerifyFn = buildVerifyFn