import { createProps } from "../src/components/userInterface/pagesParsing/createProps" import { keys, some } from "lodash/fp" import { BB_STATE_BINDINGPATH } from "@budibase/client/src/state/parseBinding" import { stripStandardProps } from "./testData" describe("createDefaultProps", () => { const getcomponent = () => ({ _component: "some_component", name: "some_component", props: { fieldName: { type: "string", default: "something" }, }, }) it("should create a object with single string value, when default string field set", () => { const { props, errors } = createProps(getcomponent()) expect(errors).toEqual([]) expect(props.fieldName).toBeDefined() expect(props.fieldName).toBe("something") stripStandardProps(props) expect(keys(props).length).toBe(3) }) it("should set component _component", () => { const { props, errors } = createProps(getcomponent()) expect(errors).toEqual([]) expect(props._component).toBe("some_component") }) it("should create a object with single blank string value, when prop definition is 'string' ", () => { const comp = getcomponent() comp.props.fieldName = "string" const { props, errors } = createProps(comp) expect(errors).toEqual([]) expect(props.fieldName).toBeDefined() expect(props.fieldName).toBe("") }) it("should create a object with single fals value, when prop definition is 'bool' ", () => { const comp = getcomponent() comp.props.isVisible = "bool" const { props, errors } = createProps(comp) expect(errors).toEqual([]) expect(props.isVisible).toBeDefined() expect(props.isVisible).toBe(false) }) it("should create a object with single 0 value, when prop definition is 'number' ", () => { const comp = getcomponent() comp.props.width = "number" const { props, errors } = createProps(comp) expect(errors).toEqual([]) expect(props.width).toBeDefined() expect(props.width).toBe(0) }) it("should create a object with empty _children array, when children===true ", () => { const comp = getcomponent() comp.children = true const { props, errors } = createProps(comp) expect(errors).toEqual([]) expect(props._children).toBeDefined() expect(props._children).toEqual([]) }) it("should create a object without _children array, when children===false ", () => { const comp = getcomponent() comp.children = false const { props, errors } = createProps(comp) expect(errors).toEqual([]) expect(props._children).not.toBeDefined() }) it("should create a object with single empty array, when prop definition is 'event' ", () => { const comp = getcomponent() comp.props.onClick = "event" const { props, errors } = createProps(comp) expect(errors).toEqual([]) expect(props.onClick).toBeDefined() expect(props.onClick).toEqual([]) }) it("should create a object with empty state when prop def is 'state' ", () => { const comp = getcomponent() = "state" const { props, errors } = createProps(comp) expect(errors).toEqual([]) expect([BB_STATE_BINDINGPATH]).toBeDefined() expect([BB_STATE_BINDINGPATH]).toBe("") }) it("should create a object children array when children == true ", () => { const comp = getcomponent() comp.children = true const { props, errors } = createProps(comp) expect(errors).toEqual([]) expect(props._children).toBeDefined() expect(props._children).toEqual([]) }) it("should create a _children array when children not defined ", () => { const comp = getcomponent() const { props, errors } = createProps(comp) expect(errors).toEqual([]) expect(props._children).toBeDefined() expect(props._children).toEqual([]) }) it("should not create _children array when children=false ", () => { const comp = getcomponent() comp.children = false const { props, errors } = createProps(comp) expect(errors).toEqual([]) expect(props._children).not.toBeDefined() }) it("should create an object with multiple prop names", () => { const comp = getcomponent() comp.props.fieldName = "string" comp.props.fieldLength = { type: "number", default: 500 } const { props, errors } = createProps(comp) expect(errors).toEqual([]) expect(props.fieldName).toBeDefined() expect(props.fieldName).toBe("") expect(props.fieldLength).toBeDefined() expect(props.fieldLength).toBe(500) }) it("should return error when invalid type", () => { const comp = getcomponent() comp.props.fieldName = "invalid type name" comp.props.fieldLength = { type: "invalid type name " } const { errors } = createProps(comp) expect(errors.length).toBe(2) expect(some(e => e.propName === "fieldName")(errors)).toBeTruthy() expect(some(e => e.propName === "fieldLength")(errors)).toBeTruthy() }) it("should merge in derived props", () => { const comp = getcomponent() comp.props.fieldName = "string" comp.props.fieldLength = { type: "number", default: 500 } const derivedFrom = { fieldName: "surname", } const { props, errors } = createProps(comp, derivedFrom) expect(errors.length).toBe(0) expect(props.fieldName).toBe("surname") expect(props.fieldLength).toBe(500) }) it("should create standard props", () => { const comp = getcomponent() comp.props.fieldName = { type: "string", default: 1 } const { props } = createProps(comp) expect(props._code).toBeDefined() expect(props._styles).toBeDefined() expect(props._code).toBeDefined() }) })