import { derived, writable, get } from "svelte/store" import { API } from "api" import { admin } from "stores/portal" import analytics from "analytics" export function createAuthStore() { const auth = writable({ user: null, accountPortalAccess: false, tenantId: "default", tenantSet: false, loaded: false, postLogout: false, }) const store = derived(auth, $store => { let initials = null let isAdmin = false let isBuilder = false if ($store.user) { const user = $store.user if (user.firstName) { initials = user.firstName[0] if (user.lastName) { initials += user.lastName[0] } } else if ( { initials =[0] } else { initials = "Unknown" } isAdmin = !!user.admin?.global isBuilder = !!user.builder?.global } return { user: $store.user, accountPortalAccess: $store.accountPortalAccess, tenantId: $store.tenantId, tenantSet: $store.tenantSet, loaded: $store.loaded, postLogout: $store.postLogout, initials, isAdmin, isBuilder, } }) function setUser(user) { auth.update(store => { store.loaded = true store.user = user store.accountPortalAccess = user?.accountPortalAccess if (user) { store.tenantId = user.tenantId || "default" store.tenantSet = true } return store }) if (user) { analytics .activate() .then(() => { analytics.identify(user._id) analytics.showChat( { email:, created_at: (user.createdAt || / 1000, name: user.account?.name, user_id: user._id, tenant: user.tenantId, admin: user?.admin?.global, builder: user?.builder?.global, "Company size": user.account?.size, "Job role": user.account?.profession, }, !!user?.account ) }) .catch(() => { // This request may fail due to browser extensions blocking requests // containing the word analytics, so we don't want to spam users with // an error here. }) } } async function setOrganisation(tenantId) { const prevId = get(store).tenantId auth.update(store => { store.tenantId = tenantId store.tenantSet = !!tenantId return store }) if (prevId !== tenantId) { // re-init admin after setting org await admin.init() } } async function setInitInfo(info) { await API.setInitInfo(info) auth.update(store => { store.initInfo = info return store }) return info } function setPostLogout() { auth.update(store => { store.postLogout = true return store }) } async function getInitInfo() { const info = await API.getInitInfo() auth.update(store => { store.initInfo = info return store }) return info } const actions = { checkQueryString: async () => { const urlParams = new URLSearchParams( if (urlParams.has("tenantId")) { const tenantId = urlParams.get("tenantId") await setOrganisation(tenantId) } }, setOrg: async tenantId => { await setOrganisation(tenantId) }, getSelf: async () => { // We need to catch this locally as we never want this to fail, even // though normally we never want to swallow API errors at the store level. // We're either logged in or we aren't. // We also need to always update the loaded flag. try { const user = await API.fetchBuilderSelf() setUser(user) } catch (error) { setUser(null) } }, login: async creds => { const tenantId = get(store).tenantId await API.logIn({ username: creds.username, password: creds.password, tenantId, }) await actions.getSelf() }, logout: async () => { await API.logOut() setPostLogout() setUser(null) await setInitInfo({}) }, updateSelf: async fields => { const newUser = { ...get(auth).user, ...fields } await API.updateSelf(newUser) setUser(newUser) }, forgotPassword: async email => { const tenantId = get(store).tenantId await API.requestForgotPassword({ tenantId, email, }) }, resetPassword: async (password, resetCode) => { const tenantId = get(store).tenantId await API.resetPassword({ tenantId, password, resetCode, }) }, generateAPIKey: async () => { return API.generateAPIKey() }, fetchAPIKey: async () => { const info = await API.fetchDeveloperInfo() return info?.apiKey }, } return { subscribe: store.subscribe, setOrganisation, getInitInfo, setInitInfo, ...actions, } } export const auth = createAuthStore()