const Router = require("@koa/router") const session = require("./session") const StatusCodes = require("../utilities/statusCodes") const { resolve } = require("path") const send = require("koa-send") const routeHandlers = require("./routeHandlers") const { componentLibraryInfo, } = require("../utilities/builder") const { componentRoutes, appsRoutes, pageRoutes, userRoutes, authenticatedRoutes } = require("./routes"); const builderPath = resolve(__dirname, "../../builder") module.exports = (config, app) => { const router = new Router() router .use(session(config, app)) .use(async (ctx, next) => { ctx.sessionId = ctx.session._sessCtx.externalKey ctx.session.accessed = true ctx.config = config const pathParts = ctx.path.split("/") if (pathParts.length < 2) { ctx.throw(StatusCodes.NOT_FOUND, "App Name not declared") } const appname = pathParts[1] ctx.set("x-bbappname", appname) if (appname === "_builder") { if (! { ctx.response.status = StatusCodes.FORBIDDEN ctx.body = "run in dev mode to access builder" return } // Builder URLs should have admin access to the API if (ctx.path.startsWith("/_builder/instance/_master")) { const { instance, publicPath, sharedPath, } = await ctx.master.getFullAccessApiForMaster() ctx.instance = instance ctx.publicPath = publicPath ctx.sharedPath = sharedPath ctx.isAuthenticated = !!ctx.instance } else if (ctx.path.startsWith("/_builder/instance")) { const builderAppName = pathParts[3] const instanceId = pathParts[4] const { bbInstance, publicPath, sharedPath, } = await ctx.master.getFullAccessApiForInstanceId( builderAppName, instanceId ) ctx.instance = bbInstance ctx.publicPath = publicPath ctx.sharedPath = sharedPath ctx.isAuthenticated = !!ctx.instance } await next() } else { const instance = await ctx.master.getInstanceApiForSession( appname, ctx.sessionId ) ctx.instance = instance.instance ctx.publicPath = instance.publicPath ctx.sharedPath = instance.sharedPath ctx.isAuthenticated = !!instance.instance await next() } }) router .get("/_builder", async ctx => { await send(ctx, "/index.html", { root: builderPath }) }) .get("/_builder/:appname/componentlibrary", async ctx => { const info = await componentLibraryInfo( ctx.config, ctx.params.appname, ctx.query.lib ) await send(ctx, info.components._lib || "index.js", { root: info.libDir }) }) .get("/_builder/*", async (ctx, next) => { const path = ctx.path.replace("/_builder", "") const isFile = new RegExp(/(.+\..{1,5})/g).test(path) if (path.startsWith("/api/") || path.startsWith("/instance/")) { await next() } else if (isFile) { await send(ctx, path, { root: builderPath }) } else { await send(ctx, "/index.html", { root: builderPath }) } }) router.use(userRoutes.routes()); router.use(userRoutes.allowedMethods()); router.use(appsRoutes.routes()) router.use(appsRoutes.allowedMethods()); router.use(componentRoutes.routes()); router.use(componentRoutes.allowedMethods()); router.use(pageRoutes.routes()); router.use(pageRoutes.allowedMethods()); router .get("/:appname", async ctx => { await send(ctx, "/index.html", { root: ctx.publicPath }) }) .get("/:appname/*", routeHandlers.appDefault) .get("/_builder/instance/:appname/:instanceid/*", routeHandlers.appDefault) router.use(authenticatedRoutes.routes()); router.use(authenticatedRoutes.allowedMethods()); return router }