### Budibase API Next.js example This is an example of how Budibase can be used as a backend for a Postgres database for a Next.js sales app. You will need to follow the walk-through that has been published on the Budibase blog to set up your Budibase app for this example. ## Pre-requisites To use this example you will need [Docker](https://www.docker.com/), [Docker Compose](https://docs.docker.com/compose/) and [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/en/) installed. ## Getting Started The first step is to set up the database - you can do this by going to the `db/` directory and running the command: ```bash docker-compose up ``` The next step is to follow the example walk-through and set up a Budibase app as it describes. Once you've done this you can configure the settings in `next.config.js`, specifically the `apiKey`, `host` and `appName`. Finally, you can start the dev server with the following command: ```bash npm run dev # or yarn dev ``` ## Accessing the app Open [http://localhost:3001](http://localhost:3001) with your browser to see the sales app. Look in the API routes (`pages/api/sales.ts` and `pages/api/salespeople.ts`) to see how this is integrated with Budibase. There is also a utility file where some core functions and types have been defined, in `utilities/index.ts`. ## Attribution This example was set up using [Next.js](https://nextjs.org/) and bootstrapped with [`create-next-app`](https://github.com/vercel/next.js/tree/canary/packages/create-next-app).