const CouchDB = require("../../db") const Ajv = require("ajv") const newid = require("../../db/newid") const ajv = new Ajv() = async function(ctx) { console.log("THIS INSTANCE", ctx.params.instanceId); const db = new CouchDB(ctx.params.instanceId) const record = ctx.request.body record.modelId = ctx.params.modelId if (!record._rev && !record._id) { record._id = newid() } // validation with ajv const model = await db.get(record.modelId) const validate = ajv.compile({ properties: model.schema, }) const valid = validate(record) if (!valid) { ctx.status = 400 ctx.body = { status: 400, errors: validate.errors, } return } const existingRecord = record._rev && (await db.get(record._id)) if (existingRecord) { const response = await db.put(record) record._rev = response.rev record.type = "record" ctx.body = record ctx.status = 200 ctx.message = `${} updated successfully.` return } record.type = "record" const response = await record._rev = response.rev // ctx.eventPublisher.emit("RECORD_CREATED", record) ctx.body = record ctx.status = 200 ctx.message = `${} created successfully` } exports.fetchView = async function(ctx) { const db = new CouchDB(ctx.params.instanceId) const response = await db.query(`database/${ctx.params.viewName}`, { include_docs: true, }) ctx.body = => row.doc) } exports.fetchModel = async function(ctx) { const db = new CouchDB(ctx.params.instanceId) const response = await db.query(`database/all_${ctx.params.modelId}`, { include_docs: true, }) ctx.body = => row.doc) } exports.find = async function(ctx) { const db = new CouchDB(ctx.params.instanceId) const record = await db.get(ctx.params.recordId) if (record.modelId !== ctx.params.modelId) { ctx.throw(400, "Supplied modelId doe not match the record's modelId") return } ctx.body = record } exports.destroy = async function(ctx) { const db = new CouchDB(ctx.params.instanceId) const record = await db.get(ctx.params.recordId) if (record.modelId !== ctx.params.modelId) { ctx.throw(400, "Supplied modelId doe not match the record's modelId") return } ctx.body = await db.remove(ctx.params.recordId, ctx.params.revId) }