context("Query Level Transformers", () => { before(() => { cy.login() cy.deleteApp("Cypress Tests") cy.createApp("Cypress Tests") }) it("should write a transformer function", () => { // Add REST datasource - contains API for breweries const datasource = "REST" const restUrl = "" cy.selectExternalDatasource(datasource) cy.createRestQuery("GET", restUrl) cy.get(".spectrum-Tabs-itemLabel").contains("Transformer").click() // Get Transformer Function from file cy.readFile("cypress/support/queryLevelTransformerFunction.js").then((transformerFunction) => { cy.get(".CodeMirror textarea") // Highlight current text and overwrite with file contents .type(Cypress.platform === 'darwin' ? '{cmd}a' : '{ctrl}a', { force: true }) .type(transformerFunction, { parseSpecialCharSequences: false }) }) // Send Query cy.intercept('**/queries/preview').as('query') cy.get(".spectrum-Button").contains("Send").click({ force: true }) cy.wait("@query") // Assert against Status Code, body, & body rows cy.get("@query").its('response.statusCode') .should('eq', 200) cy.get("@query").its('response.body').should('') cy.get("@query").its('response.body.rows').should('') }) it("should add data to the previous query", () => { // Add REST datasource - contains API for breweries const datasource = "REST" const restUrl = "" cy.selectExternalDatasource(datasource) cy.createRestQuery("GET", restUrl) cy.get(".spectrum-Tabs-itemLabel").contains("Transformer").click() // Get Transformer Function with Data from file cy.readFile("cypress/support/queryLevelTransformerFunctionWithData.js").then((transformerFunction) => { //console.log(transformerFunction[1]) cy.get(".CodeMirror textarea") // Highlight current text and overwrite with file contents .type(Cypress.platform === 'darwin' ? '{cmd}a' : '{ctrl}a', { force: true }) .type(transformerFunction, { parseSpecialCharSequences: false }) }) // Send Query cy.intercept('**/queries/preview').as('query') cy.get(".spectrum-Button").contains("Send").click({ force: true }) cy.wait("@query") // Assert against Status Code, body, & body rows cy.get("@query").its('response.statusCode') .should('eq', 200) cy.get("@query").its('response.body').should('') cy.get("@query").its('response.body.rows').should('') }) it("should run an invalid query within the transformer section", () => { // Add REST datasource - contains API for breweries const datasource = "REST" const restUrl = "" cy.selectExternalDatasource(datasource) cy.createRestQuery("GET", restUrl) cy.get(".spectrum-Tabs-itemLabel").contains("Transformer").click() // Clear the code box and add "test" cy.get(".CodeMirror textarea") .type(Cypress.platform === 'darwin' ? '{cmd}a' : '{ctrl}a', { force: true }) .type("test") // Run Query and intercept cy.intercept('**/preview').as('queryError') cy.get(".spectrum-Button").contains("Send").click({ force: true }) cy.wait("@queryError") cy.wait(500) // Assert against message and status for the query error cy.get("@queryError").its('response.body').should('', 'message', "test is not defined") cy.get("@queryError").its('response.body').should('', 'status', 400) }) it("should run an invalid query via POST request", () => { // POST request with transformer as null cy.request({method: 'POST', url: `${Cypress.config().baseUrl}/api/queries/`, body: {fields : {"headers":{},"queryString":null,"path":null}, parameters : [], schema : {}, name : "test", queryVerb : "read", transformer : null, datasourceId: "test"}, // Expected 400 error - Transformer must be a string failOnStatusCode: false}).then((response) => { expect(response.status).to.equal(400) expect(response.body.message).to.include('Invalid body - "transformer" must be a string') }) }) it("should run an empty query", () => { // POST request with Transformer as an empty string cy.request({method: 'POST', url: `${Cypress.config().baseUrl}/api/queries/preview`, body: {fields : {"headers":{},"queryString":null,"path":null}, queryVerb : "read", transformer : "", datasourceId: "test"}, // Expected 400 error - Transformer is not allowed to be empty failOnStatusCode: false}).then((response) => { expect(response.status).to.equal(400) expect(response.body.message).to.include('Invalid body - "transformer" is not allowed to be empty') }) }) })