# Budibase Public API SDK JS SDK for the Budibase Public API. This SDK is generated by [swagger-codegen](https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen). Docker is used to run the generator, so Java is not required. Docker is the only requirement to generate the SDK. The generated code will only run in a browser. It is not currently useable in a NodeJS environment. ## Example usage ```js import { configure, ApplicationsApi } from "@budibase/sdk" // Configure the API client configure({ apiKey: "my-api-key", host: "https://my.budibase.app" }) // Search for an app. // We can use the promisified version... const res = await ApplicationsApi.applicationsSearchPost({ name: "foo" }) console.log("Applications:", res.data) // ...or the callback version ApplicationsApi.applicationsSearchPost({ name: "foo" }, ((error, data) => { if (error) { console.error("Failed to search:", error) } else { console.log("Applications:", data.data) } })) ```