import filterTests from "../support/filterTests" filterTests(['smoke', 'all'], () => { context("Create Bindings", () => { before(() => { cy.login() cy.createTestApp() cy.navigateToFrontend() }) it("should add a current user binding", () => { cy.searchAndAddComponent("Paragraph").then(componentId => { addSettingBinding("text", ["Current User", "_id"], "Current User._id") }) cy.deleteComponentByName("New Paragraph") }) it("should handle an invalid binding", () => { cy.searchAndAddComponent("Paragraph").then(componentId => { // Cypress needs to escape curly brackets cy.get("[data-cy=setting-text] input") .type("{{}{{}{{} Current User._id {}}{}}") .blur() cy.getComponent(componentId).should("have.text", "{{{ [user].[_id] }}") cy.deleteComponentByName("New Paragraph") }) }) xit("should add a URL param binding", () => { const paramName = "foo" cy.createScreen(`/test/:${paramName}`) cy.searchAndAddComponent("Paragraph").then(componentId => { addSettingBinding("text", ["URL", paramName], `URL.${paramName}`) // The builder preview pages don't have a real URL, so all we can do // is check that we were able to bind to the property, and that the // component exists on the page cy.getComponent(componentId).should("have.text", "New Paragraph") }) }) it("should add a binding with a handlebars helper", () => { cy.searchAndAddComponent("Paragraph").then(componentId => { // Cypress needs to escape curly brackets cy.get("[data-cy=setting-text] input") .type("{{}{{} add 1 2 {}}{}}") .blur() cy.getComponent(componentId).should("have.text", "3") }) }) }) const addSettingBinding = (setting, bindingCategories, bindingText, clickOption = true) => { cy.get(`[data-cy="setting-${setting}"] [data-cy=text-binding-button]`).click() cy.get(".category-list li").contains(bindingCategories[0]) cy.get(".drawer").within(() => { if (clickOption) { cy.get(".category-list li").contains(bindingCategories[0]).click() cy.get("li.binding").contains(bindingCategories[1]).click() cy.get("textarea").should("have.value", `{{ ${bindingText} }}`) } else { cy.get("textarea").type(bindingText) } cy.contains("Save").click() }) } })