// need to load environment first import { ExtendableContext } from "koa" import * as env from "./environment" import db from "./db" db.init() const Koa = require("koa") const destroyable = require("server-destroy") const koaBody = require("koa-body") const pino = require("koa-pino-logger") const http = require("http") const api = require("./api") const eventEmitter = require("./events") const automations = require("./automations/index") const Sentry = require("@sentry/node") const fileSystem = require("./utilities/fileSystem") const bullboard = require("./automations/bullboard") const { logAlert } = require("@budibase/backend-core/logging") const { pinoSettings } = require("@budibase/backend-core") const { Thread } = require("./threads") const fs = require("fs") const SocketIO = require("socket.io") import redis from "./utilities/redis" import * as migrations from "./migrations" import { events, installation, tenancy } from "@budibase/backend-core" import { createAdminUser, getChecklist } from "./utilities/workerRequests" import { watch } from "./watch" const app = new Koa() // set up top level koa middleware app.use( koaBody({ multipart: true, formLimit: "10mb", jsonLimit: "10mb", textLimit: "10mb", enableTypes: ["json", "form", "text"], parsedMethods: ["POST", "PUT", "PATCH", "DELETE"], }) ) app.use(pino(pinoSettings())) if (!env.isTest()) { const plugin = bullboard.init() app.use(plugin) } app.context.eventEmitter = eventEmitter app.context.auth = {} // api routes app.use(api.router.routes()) if (env.isProd()) { env._set("NODE_ENV", "production") Sentry.init() app.on("error", (err: any, ctx: ExtendableContext) => { Sentry.withScope(function (scope: any) { scope.addEventProcessor(function (event: any) { return Sentry.Handlers.parseRequest(event, ctx.request) }) Sentry.captureException(err) }) }) } const server = http.createServer(app.callback()) destroyable(server) // Websocket export const io = SocketIO(server, { path: "/socket/", cors: { origin: ["https://hmr.lan.kingston.dev"], methods: ["GET", "POST"], }, }) let shuttingDown = false, errCode = 0 server.on("close", async () => { // already in process if (shuttingDown) { return } shuttingDown = true if (!env.isTest()) { console.log("Server Closed") } await automations.shutdown() await redis.shutdown() await events.shutdown() await Thread.shutdown() api.shutdown() if (!env.isTest()) { process.exit(errCode) } }) module.exports = server.listen(env.PORT || 0, async () => { console.log(`Budibase running on ${JSON.stringify(server.address())}`) env._set("PORT", server.address().port) eventEmitter.emitPort(env.PORT) fileSystem.init() await redis.init() // run migrations on startup if not done via http // not recommended in a clustered environment if (!env.HTTP_MIGRATIONS && !env.isTest()) { try { await migrations.migrate() } catch (e) { logAlert("Error performing migrations. Exiting.", e) shutdown() } } // check and create admin user if required if ( env.SELF_HOSTED && !env.MULTI_TENANCY && env.BB_ADMIN_USER_EMAIL && env.BB_ADMIN_USER_PASSWORD ) { const checklist = await getChecklist() if (!checklist?.adminUser?.checked) { try { const tenantId = tenancy.getTenantId() await createAdminUser( env.BB_ADMIN_USER_EMAIL, env.BB_ADMIN_USER_PASSWORD, tenantId ) console.log( "Admin account automatically created for", env.BB_ADMIN_USER_EMAIL ) } catch (e) { logAlert("Error creating initial admin user. Exiting.", e) shutdown() } } } // monitor plugin directory if required if ( env.SELF_HOSTED && !env.MULTI_TENANCY && env.PLUGINS_DIR && fs.existsSync(env.PLUGINS_DIR) ) { watch() } // check for version updates await installation.checkInstallVersion() // done last - this will never complete await automations.init() }) const shutdown = () => { server.close() server.destroy() } process.on("uncaughtException", err => { // @ts-ignore // don't worry about this error, comes from zlib isn't important if (err && err["code"] === "ERR_INVALID_CHAR") { return } errCode = -1 logAlert("Uncaught exception.", err) shutdown() }) process.on("SIGTERM", () => { shutdown() })