const { createTempFolder, getPluginMetadata, findFileRec, downloadTarballDirect, extractTarball, deleteFolderFileSystem, } = require("../../../utilities/fileSystem") const { join } = require("path") const fetch = require("node-fetch") exports.uploadedFilePlugin = async file => { if (!".tar.gz")) { throw new Error("Plugin must be compressed into a gzipped tarball.") } const path = createTempFolder(".tar.gz")[0]) await extractTarball(file.path, path) return await getPluginMetadata(path) } exports.uploadedNpmPlugin = async (url, name, headers = {}) => { let npmTarballUrl = url let pluginName = name if ( !npmTarballUrl.includes("") && !npmTarballUrl.includes("") ) { throw new Error("The plugin origin must be from NPM") } if (!npmTarballUrl.includes(".tgz")) { const npmPackageURl = url.replace( "", "" ) const response = await fetch(npmPackageURl) if (response.status !== 200) { throw new Error("NPM Package not found") } let npmDetails = await response.json() pluginName = const npmVersion = npmDetails["dist-tags"].latest npmTarballUrl = npmDetails?.versions?.[npmVersion]?.dist?.tarball if (!npmTarballUrl) { throw new Error("NPM tarball url not found") } } const path = await downloadUnzipTarball(npmTarballUrl, pluginName, headers) const tarballPluginFile = findFileRec(path, ".tar.gz") if (!tarballPluginFile) { throw new Error("Tarball plugin file not found") } try { await extractTarball(tarballPluginFile, path) deleteFolderFileSystem(join(path, "package")) } catch (err) { throw new Error(err) } return await getPluginMetadata(path) } exports.uploadedUrlPlugin = async (url, name = "", headers = {}) => { if (!url.includes(".tar.gz")) { throw new Error("Plugin must be compressed into a gzipped tarball.") } const path = await downloadUnzipTarball(url, name, headers) return await getPluginMetadata(path) } exports.uploadedGithubPlugin = async (ctx, url, name = "", token = "") => { let githubUrl = url if (!githubUrl.includes("")) { throw new Error("The plugin origin must be from Github") } if (url.includes(".git")) { githubUrl = url.replace(".git", "") } const githubApiUrl = githubUrl.replace( "", "" ) const headers = token ? { Authorization: `Bearer ${token}` } : {} try { const pluginRaw = await fetch(githubApiUrl, { headers }) if (pluginRaw.status !== 200) { throw new Error(`Repository not found`) } let pluginDetails = await pluginRaw.json() const pluginName = || name const pluginLatestReleaseUrl = pluginDetails?.["releases_url"] ? pluginDetails?.["releases_url"].replace("{/id}", "/latest") : undefined if (!pluginLatestReleaseUrl) { throw new Error("Github release not found") } const pluginReleaseRaw = await fetch(pluginLatestReleaseUrl, { headers }) if (pluginReleaseRaw.status !== 200) { throw new Error("Github latest release not found") } const pluginReleaseDetails = await pluginReleaseRaw.json() const pluginReleaseTarballAsset = pluginReleaseDetails?.assets?.find( x => x?.content_type === "application/gzip" ) const pluginLastReleaseTarballUrl = pluginReleaseTarballAsset?.browser_download_url if (!pluginLastReleaseTarballUrl) { throw new Error("Github latest release url not found") } const path = await downloadUnzipTarball( pluginLastReleaseTarballUrl, pluginName, headers ) return await getPluginMetadata(path) } catch (err) { let errMsg = err?.message || err if (errMsg === "unexpected response Not Found") { errMsg = "Github release tarbal not found" } throw new Error(errMsg) } } const downloadUnzipTarball = async (url, name, headers = {}) => { try { const path = createTempFolder(name) await downloadTarballDirect(url, path, headers) return path } catch (e) { throw new Error(e.message) } }