const sanitize = require("sanitize-s3-objectkey") import AWS from "aws-sdk" import stream from "stream" import fetch from "node-fetch" import tar from "tar-fs" const zlib = require("zlib") import { promisify } from "util" import { join } from "path" import fs from "fs" import env from "../environment" import { budibaseTempDir, ObjectStoreBuckets } from "./utils" import { v4 } from "uuid" import { APP_PREFIX, APP_DEV_PREFIX } from "../db/utils" const streamPipeline = promisify(stream.pipeline) // use this as a temporary store of buckets that are being created const STATE = { bucketCreationPromises: {}, } const CONTENT_TYPE_MAP: any = { html: "text/html", css: "text/css", js: "application/javascript", json: "application/json", } const STRING_CONTENT_TYPES = [ CONTENT_TYPE_MAP.html, CONTENT_TYPE_MAP.css, CONTENT_TYPE_MAP.js, CONTENT_TYPE_MAP.json, ] // does normal sanitization and then swaps dev apps to apps export function sanitizeKey(input: any) { return sanitize(sanitizeBucket(input)).replace(/\\/g, "/") } // simply handles the dev app to app conversion export function sanitizeBucket(input: any) { return input.replace(new RegExp(APP_DEV_PREFIX, "g"), APP_PREFIX) } function publicPolicy(bucketName: any) { return { Version: "2012-10-17", Statement: [ { Effect: "Allow", Principal: { AWS: ["*"], }, Action: "s3:GetObject", Resource: [`arn:aws:s3:::${bucketName}/*`], }, ], } } const PUBLIC_BUCKETS = [ ObjectStoreBuckets.APPS, ObjectStoreBuckets.GLOBAL, ObjectStoreBuckets.PLUGINS, ] /** * Gets a connection to the object store using the S3 SDK. * @param {string} bucket the name of the bucket which blobs will be uploaded/retrieved from. * @return {Object} an S3 object store object, check S3 Nodejs SDK for usage. * @constructor */ export const ObjectStore = (bucket: any) => { const config: any = { s3ForcePathStyle: true, signatureVersion: "v4", apiVersion: "2006-03-01", accessKeyId: env.MINIO_ACCESS_KEY, secretAccessKey: env.MINIO_SECRET_KEY, region: env.AWS_REGION, } if (bucket) { config.params = { Bucket: sanitizeBucket(bucket), } } if (env.MINIO_URL) { config.endpoint = env.MINIO_URL } return new AWS.S3(config) } /** * Given an object store and a bucket name this will make sure the bucket exists, * if it does not exist then it will create it. */ export const makeSureBucketExists = async (client: any, bucketName: any) => { bucketName = sanitizeBucket(bucketName) try { await client .headBucket({ Bucket: bucketName, }) .promise() } catch (err: any) { const promises: any = STATE.bucketCreationPromises const doesntExist = err.statusCode === 404, noAccess = err.statusCode === 403 if (promises[bucketName]) { await promises[bucketName] } else if (doesntExist || noAccess) { if (doesntExist) { // bucket doesn't exist create it promises[bucketName] = client .createBucket({ Bucket: bucketName, }) .promise() await promises[bucketName] delete promises[bucketName] } // public buckets are quite hidden in the system, make sure // no bucket is set accidentally if (PUBLIC_BUCKETS.includes(bucketName)) { await client .putBucketPolicy({ Bucket: bucketName, Policy: JSON.stringify(publicPolicy(bucketName)), }) .promise() } } else { throw new Error("Unable to write to object store bucket.") } } } /** * Uploads the contents of a file given the required parameters, useful when * temp files in use (for example file uploaded as an attachment). */ export const upload = async ({ bucket: bucketName, filename, path, type, metadata, }: any) => { const extension = [...filename.split(".")].pop() const fileBytes = fs.readFileSync(path) const objectStore = ObjectStore(bucketName) await makeSureBucketExists(objectStore, bucketName) const config: any = { // windows file paths need to be converted to forward slashes for s3 Key: sanitizeKey(filename), Body: fileBytes, ContentType: type || CONTENT_TYPE_MAP[extension.toLowerCase()], } if (metadata) { config.Metadata = metadata } return objectStore.upload(config).promise() } /** * Similar to the upload function but can be used to send a file stream * through to the object store. */ export const streamUpload = async ( bucketName: any, filename: any, stream: any, extra = {} ) => { const objectStore = ObjectStore(bucketName) await makeSureBucketExists(objectStore, bucketName) // Set content type for certain known extensions if (filename?.endsWith(".js")) { extra = { ...extra, ContentType: "application/javascript", } } const params = { Bucket: sanitizeBucket(bucketName), Key: sanitizeKey(filename), Body: stream, ...extra, } return objectStore.upload(params).promise() } /** * retrieves the contents of a file from the object store, if it is a known content type it * will be converted, otherwise it will be returned as a buffer stream. */ export const retrieve = async (bucketName: any, filepath: any) => { const objectStore = ObjectStore(bucketName) const params = { Bucket: sanitizeBucket(bucketName), Key: sanitizeKey(filepath), } const response: any = await objectStore.getObject(params).promise() // currently these are all strings if (STRING_CONTENT_TYPES.includes(response.ContentType)) { return response.Body.toString("utf8") } else { return response.Body } } /** * Same as retrieval function but puts to a temporary file. */ export const retrieveToTmp = async (bucketName: any, filepath: any) => { bucketName = sanitizeBucket(bucketName) filepath = sanitizeKey(filepath) const data = await retrieve(bucketName, filepath) const outputPath = join(budibaseTempDir(), v4()) fs.writeFileSync(outputPath, data) return outputPath } /** * Delete a single file. */ export const deleteFile = async (bucketName: any, filepath: any) => { const objectStore = ObjectStore(bucketName) await makeSureBucketExists(objectStore, bucketName) const params = { Bucket: bucketName, Key: filepath, } return objectStore.deleteObject(params) } export const deleteFiles = async (bucketName: any, filepaths: any) => { const objectStore = ObjectStore(bucketName) await makeSureBucketExists(objectStore, bucketName) const params = { Bucket: bucketName, Delete: { Objects: any) => ({ Key: path })), }, } return objectStore.deleteObjects(params).promise() } /** * Delete a path, including everything within. */ export const deleteFolder = async ( bucketName: any, folder: any ): Promise => { bucketName = sanitizeBucket(bucketName) folder = sanitizeKey(folder) const client = ObjectStore(bucketName) const listParams = { Bucket: bucketName, Prefix: folder, } let response: any = await client.listObjects(listParams).promise() if (response.Contents.length === 0) { return } const deleteParams: any = { Bucket: bucketName, Delete: { Objects: [], }, } response.Contents.forEach((content: any) => { deleteParams.Delete.Objects.push({ Key: content.Key }) }) response = await client.deleteObjects(deleteParams).promise() // can only empty 1000 items at once if (response.Deleted.length === 1000) { return deleteFolder(bucketName, folder) } } export const uploadDirectory = async ( bucketName: any, localPath: any, bucketPath: any ) => { bucketName = sanitizeBucket(bucketName) let uploads = [] const files = fs.readdirSync(localPath, { withFileTypes: true }) for (let file of files) { const path = sanitizeKey(join(bucketPath, const local = join(localPath, if (file.isDirectory()) { uploads.push(uploadDirectory(bucketName, local, path)) } else { uploads.push(streamUpload(bucketName, path, fs.createReadStream(local))) } } await Promise.all(uploads) return files } exports.downloadTarballDirect = async ( url: string, path: string, headers = {} ) => { path = sanitizeKey(path) const response = await fetch(url, { headers }) if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`unexpected response ${response.statusText}`) } await streamPipeline(response.body, zlib.Unzip(), tar.extract(path)) } export const downloadTarball = async (url: any, bucketName: any, path: any) => { bucketName = sanitizeBucket(bucketName) path = sanitizeKey(path) const response = await fetch(url) if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`unexpected response ${response.statusText}`) } const tmpPath = join(budibaseTempDir(), path) await streamPipeline(response.body, zlib.Unzip(), tar.extract(tmpPath)) if (!env.isTest() && env.SELF_HOSTED) { await uploadDirectory(bucketName, tmpPath, path) } // return the temporary path incase there is a use for it return tmpPath }