const internal = require("./internal") const external = require("./external") const csvParser = require("../../../utilities/csvParser") const { isExternalTable, isSQL } = require("../../../integrations/utils") const { getDatasourceParams } = require("../../../db/utils") const { getAppDB } = require("@budibase/backend-core/context") const { getTable, getAllInternalTables } = require("./utils") function pickApi({ tableId, table }) { if (table && !tableId) { tableId = table._id } if (table && table.type === "external") { return external } else if (tableId && isExternalTable(tableId)) { return external } return internal } // covers both internal and external exports.fetch = async function (ctx) { const db = getAppDB() const internal = await getAllInternalTables() const externalTables = await db.allDocs( getDatasourceParams("plus", { include_docs: true, }) ) const external = externalTables.rows.flatMap(tableDoc => { let entities = tableDoc.doc.entities if (entities) { return Object.values(entities).map(entity => ({ ...entity, type: "external", sourceId: tableDoc.doc._id, sql: isSQL(tableDoc.doc), })) } else { return [] } }) ctx.body = [...internal, ...external] } exports.find = async function (ctx) { const tableId = ctx.body = await getTable(tableId) } = async function (ctx) { const appId = ctx.appId const table = ctx.request.body const savedTable = await pickApi({ table }).save(ctx) ctx.status = 200 ctx.message = `Table ${} saved successfully.` ctx.eventEmitter && ctx.eventEmitter.emitTable(`table:save`, appId, savedTable) ctx.body = savedTable } exports.destroy = async function (ctx) { const appId = ctx.appId const tableId = ctx.params.tableId const deletedTable = await pickApi({ tableId }).destroy(ctx) ctx.eventEmitter && ctx.eventEmitter.emitTable(`table:delete`, appId, deletedTable) ctx.status = 200 ctx.body = { message: `Table ${tableId} deleted.` } } exports.bulkImport = async function (ctx) { const tableId = ctx.params.tableId await pickApi({ tableId }).bulkImport(ctx) // right now we don't trigger anything for bulk import because it // can only be done in the builder, but in the future we may need to // think about events for bulk items ctx.status = 200 ctx.body = { message: `Bulk rows created.` } } exports.validateCSVSchema = async function (ctx) { // tableId being specified means its an import to an existing table const { csvString, schema = {}, tableId } = ctx.request.body let existingTable if (tableId) { existingTable = await getTable(tableId) } let result = await csvParser.parse(csvString, schema) if (existingTable) { result = csvParser.updateSchema({ schema: result, existingTable }) } ctx.body = { schema: result } }