const { getRowParams, USER_METDATA_PREFIX } = require("../../db/utils") const { isDevAppID, getDevelopmentAppID, getProdAppID, doWithDB, } = require("@budibase/backend-core/db") const ROW_EXCLUSIONS = [USER_METDATA_PREFIX] const getAppPairs = appIds => { // collect the app ids into dev / prod pairs // keyed by the dev app id const pairs = {} for (let appId of appIds) { const devId = getDevelopmentAppID(appId) if (!pairs[devId]) { pairs[devId] = {} } if (isDevAppID(appId)) { pairs[devId].devId = appId } else { pairs[devId].prodId = appId } } return pairs } const getAppRows = async appId => { // need to specify the app ID, as this is used for different apps in one call return doWithDB(appId, async db => { const response = await db.allDocs( getRowParams(null, null, { include_docs: false, }) ) return response.rows .map(r => .filter(id => { for (let exclusion of ROW_EXCLUSIONS) { if (id.startsWith(exclusion)) { return false } } return true }) }) } /** * Return a set of all rows in the given app ids. * The returned rows will be unique on a per dev/prod app basis. * Rows duplicates may exist across apps due to data import so they are not filtered out. */ exports.getUniqueRows = async appIds => { let uniqueRows = [], rowsByApp = {} const pairs = getAppPairs(appIds) for (let pair of Object.values(pairs)) { let appRows = [] for (let appId of [pair.devId, pair.prodId]) { if (!appId) { continue } try { appRows = appRows.concat(await getAppRows(appId)) } catch (e) { console.error(e) // don't error out if we can't count the app rows, just continue } } // ensure uniqueness on a per app pair basis // this can't be done on all rows because app import results in // duplicate row ids across apps // the array pre-concat is important to avoid stack overflow const prodId = getProdAppID(pair.devId || pair.prodId) rowsByApp[prodId] = [ Set(appRows)] uniqueRows = uniqueRows.concat(rowsByApp[prodId]) } return { rows: uniqueRows, appRows: rowsByApp } }