require("../../db").init() mockAuthWithNoCookie() mockWorker() mockUserGroups() function mockWorker() { jest.mock("../../utilities/workerRequests", () => ({ getGlobalSelf: () => { return { _id: "us_uuid1", roles: { "app_test": "BASIC", }, roleId: "BASIC", } } })) } function mockReset() { jest.resetModules() mockWorker() } function mockUserGroups() { jest.mock("@budibase/pro", () => ({ groups: { getGroupRoleId: () => { return "BASIC" }, }, })) } function mockAuthWithNoCookie() { jest.resetModules() mockWorker() jest.mock("@budibase/backend-core", () => { const core = jest.requireActual("@budibase/backend-core") return { ...core, db: { ...core.db, dbExists: () => true, }, cache: { user: { getUser: async id => { return { _id: "us_uuid1", } }, }, }, utils: { getAppIdFromCtx: jest.fn(), setCookie: jest.fn(), getCookie: jest.fn(), }, } }) } function mockAuthWithCookie() { jest.resetModules() mockWorker() jest.mock("@budibase/backend-core", () => { const core = jest.requireActual("@budibase/backend-core") return { ...core, db: { ...core.db, dbExists: () => true, }, utils: { getAppIdFromCtx: () => { return "app_test" }, setCookie: jest.fn(), clearCookie: jest.fn(), getCookie: () => ({ appId: "app_different", roleId: "PUBLIC" }), }, cache: { user: { getUser: async id => { return { _id: "us_uuid1", } }, }, }, } }) } class TestConfiguration { constructor() { = jest.fn() this.throw = jest.fn() this.ctx = { next:, throw: this.throw, request: { body: {}, headers: {}, }, headers: {}, path: "", cookies: { set: jest.fn(), } } } setUser() { this.ctx.user = { userId: "us_uuid1", _id: "us_uuid1", } } executeMiddleware() { // import as late as possible for mocks jest.resetModules() require("../../db").init() const currentAppMiddleware = require("../currentapp") return currentAppMiddleware(this.ctx, } } describe("Current app middleware", () => { let config beforeEach(() => { config = new TestConfiguration() }) afterEach(() => { jest.clearAllMocks() }) describe("test having no cookies or app ID", () => { it("should be able to proceed with nothing setup", async () => { await config.executeMiddleware() expect( }) }) describe("check get public for app when not logged in", () => { it("should be able to proceed with no login, but cookies configured", async () => { mockAuthWithCookie() await config.executeMiddleware() expect(config.ctx.roleId).toEqual("PUBLIC") expect(config.ctx.appId).toEqual("app_test") expect( }) }) describe("check functionality when logged in", () => { async function checkExpected(setCookie) { config.setUser() await config.executeMiddleware() let { utils } = require("@budibase/backend-core") if (setCookie) { expect(utils.setCookie).toHaveBeenCalled() } else { expect(utils.setCookie).not.toHaveBeenCalled() } expect(config.ctx.roleId).toEqual("PUBLIC") expect(config.ctx.user.role._id).toEqual("PUBLIC") expect(config.ctx.appId).toEqual("app_test") expect( } it("should be able to setup an app token when cookie not setup", async () => { mockAuthWithCookie() await checkExpected(true) }) it("should perform correct when no cookie exists", async () => { mockReset() jest.mock("@budibase/backend-core", () => { const core = jest.requireActual("@budibase/backend-core") return { ...core, db: { ...core.db, dbExists: () => true, }, utils: { getAppIdFromCtx: () => { return "app_test" }, setCookie: jest.fn(), getCookie: jest.fn(), }, cache: { user: { getUser: async id => { return { _id: "us_uuid1", } }, }, }, } }) await checkExpected(true) }) it("lastly check what occurs when cookie doesn't need updated", async () => { mockReset() jest.mock("@budibase/backend-core", () => { const core = jest.requireActual("@budibase/backend-core") return { ...core, db: { ...core.db, dbExists: () => true, }, utils: { getAppIdFromCtx: () => { return "app_test" }, setCookie: jest.fn(), getCookie: () => ({ appId: "app_test", roleId: "PUBLIC" }), }, cache: { user: { getUser: async id => { return { _id: "us_uuid1", } }, }, }, } }) await checkExpected(false) }) }) })