const mongo = require("mongodb") import { default as MongoDBIntegration } from "../mongodb" jest.mock("mongodb") class TestConfiguration { integration: any constructor(config: any = {}) { this.integration = new MongoDBIntegration.integration(config) } } function disableConsole() { jest.spyOn(console, "error") // @ts-ignore console.error.mockImplementation(() => {}) // @ts-ignore return console.error.mockRestore } describe("MongoDB Integration", () => { let config: any let indexName = "Users" beforeEach(() => { config = new TestConfiguration() }) it("calls the create method with the correct params", async () => { const body = { name: "Hello", } await config.integration.create({ index: indexName, json: body, extra: { collection: "testCollection", actionType: "insertOne" }, }) expect(config.integration.client.insertOne).toHaveBeenCalledWith(body) }) it("calls the read method with the correct params", async () => { const query = { json: { address: "test", }, extra: { collection: "testCollection", actionType: "find" }, } const response = await expect(config.integration.client.find).toHaveBeenCalledWith(query.json) expect(response).toEqual(expect.any(Array)) }) it("calls the delete method with the correct params", async () => { const query = { json: { filter: { id: "test", }, options: { opt: "option", }, }, extra: { collection: "testCollection", actionType: "deleteOne" }, } await config.integration.delete(query) expect(config.integration.client.deleteOne).toHaveBeenCalledWith( query.json.filter, query.json.options ) }) it("calls the update method with the correct params", async () => { const query = { json: { filter: { id: "test", }, update: { name: "TestName", }, options: { upsert: false, }, }, extra: { collection: "testCollection", actionType: "updateOne" }, } await config.integration.update(query) expect(config.integration.client.updateOne).toHaveBeenCalledWith( query.json.filter, query.json.update, query.json.options ) }) it("throws an error when an invalid query.extra.actionType is passed for each method", async () => { const restore = disableConsole() const query = { extra: { collection: "testCollection", actionType: "deleteOne" }, } let error = null try { await } catch (err) { error = err } expect(error).toBeDefined() restore() }) it("creates ObjectIds if the field contains a match on ObjectId", async () => { const query = { json: { filter: { _id: "ObjectId('ACBD12345678ABCD12345678')", name: "ObjectId('BBBB12345678ABCD12345678')", }, update: { _id: "ObjectId('FFFF12345678ABCD12345678')", name: "ObjectId('CCCC12345678ABCD12345678')", }, options: { upsert: false, }, }, extra: { collection: "testCollection", actionType: "updateOne" }, } await config.integration.update(query) expect(config.integration.client.updateOne).toHaveBeenCalled() const args = config.integration.client.updateOne.mock.calls[0] expect(args[0]).toEqual({ _id: mongo.ObjectId.createFromHexString("ACBD12345678ABCD12345678"), name: mongo.ObjectId.createFromHexString("BBBB12345678ABCD12345678"), }) expect(args[1]).toEqual({ _id: mongo.ObjectId.createFromHexString("FFFF12345678ABCD12345678"), name: mongo.ObjectId.createFromHexString("CCCC12345678ABCD12345678"), }) expect(args[2]).toEqual({ upsert: false, }) }) it("creates ObjectIds if the $ operator fields contains a match on ObjectId", async () => { const query = { json: { filter: { _id: { $eq: "ObjectId('ACBD12345678ABCD12345678')", }, }, update: { $set: { _id: "ObjectId('FFFF12345678ABCD12345678')", }, }, options: { upsert: true, }, }, extra: { collection: "testCollection", actionType: "updateOne" }, } await config.integration.update(query) expect(config.integration.client.updateOne).toHaveBeenCalled() const args = config.integration.client.updateOne.mock.calls[0] expect(args[0]).toEqual({ _id: { $eq: mongo.ObjectId.createFromHexString("ACBD12345678ABCD12345678"), }, }) expect(args[1]).toEqual({ $set: { _id: mongo.ObjectId.createFromHexString("FFFF12345678ABCD12345678"), }, }) expect(args[2]).toEqual({ upsert: true, }) }) it("supports findOneAndUpdate", async () => { const query = { json: { filter: { _id: { $eq: "ObjectId('ACBD12345678ABCD12345678')", }, }, update: { $set: { name: "UPDATED", age: 99, }, }, options: { upsert: false, }, }, extra: { collection: "testCollection", actionType: "findOneAndUpdate" }, } await expect(config.integration.client.findOneAndUpdate).toHaveBeenCalled() const args = config.integration.client.findOneAndUpdate.mock.calls[0] expect(args[0]).toEqual({ _id: { $eq: mongo.ObjectId.createFromHexString("ACBD12345678ABCD12345678"), }, }) expect(args[1]).toEqual({ $set: { name: "UPDATED", age: 99, }, }) expect(args[2]).toEqual({ upsert: false, }) }) it("can parse nested objects with arrays", async () => { const query = { json: `{ "_id": { "$eq": "ObjectId('ACBD12345678ABCD12345678')" } }, { "$set": { "value": { "data": [ { "cid": 1 }, { "cid": 2 }, { "nested": { "name": "test" }} ] } } }, { "upsert": true }`, extra: { collection: "testCollection", actionType: "updateOne" }, } await config.integration.update(query) expect(config.integration.client.updateOne).toHaveBeenCalled() const args = config.integration.client.updateOne.mock.calls[0] expect(args[0]).toEqual({ _id: { $eq: mongo.ObjectId.createFromHexString("ACBD12345678ABCD12345678"), }, }) expect(args[1]).toEqual({ $set: { value: { data: [ { cid: 1 }, { cid: 2 }, { nested: { name: "test", }, }, ], }, }, }) expect(args[2]).toEqual({ upsert: true, }) }) it("ignores braces within strings when parsing nested objects", async () => { const query = { json: `{ "_id": { "$eq": "ObjectId('ACBD12345678ABCD12345678')" } }, { "$set": { "value": { "data": [ { "cid": 1 }, { "cid": 2 }, { "nested": { "name": "te}st" }} ] } } }, { "upsert": true, "extra": "ad\\"{\\"d" }`, extra: { collection: "testCollection", actionType: "updateOne" }, } await config.integration.update(query) expect(config.integration.client.updateOne).toHaveBeenCalled() const args = config.integration.client.updateOne.mock.calls[0] expect(args[0]).toEqual({ _id: { $eq: mongo.ObjectId.createFromHexString("ACBD12345678ABCD12345678"), }, }) expect(args[1]).toEqual({ $set: { value: { data: [ { cid: 1 }, { cid: 2 }, { nested: { name: "te}st", }, }, ], }, }, }) expect(args[2]).toEqual({ upsert: true, extra: 'ad"{"d', }) }) })