const { processString } = require("@budibase/string-templates") const CouchDB = require("../../db") const { generateQueryID, getQueryParams } = require("../../db/utils") const { BaseQueryVerbs } = require("../../constants") const env = require("../../environment") const queryRunner = require("../../utilities/queryRunner") // simple function to append "readable" to all read queries function enrichQueries(input) { const wasArray = Array.isArray(input) const queries = wasArray ? input : [input] for (let query of queries) { if (query.queryVerb === BaseQueryVerbs.READ) { query.readable = true } } return wasArray ? queries : queries[0] } exports.fetch = async function (ctx) { const db = new CouchDB(ctx.appId) const body = await db.allDocs( getQueryParams(null, { include_docs: true, }) ) ctx.body = enrichQueries( => row.doc)) } = async function (ctx) { const db = new CouchDB(ctx.appId) const query = ctx.request.body if (!query._id) { query._id = generateQueryID(query.datasourceId) } const response = await db.put(query) query._rev = response.rev ctx.body = query ctx.message = `Query ${} saved successfully.` } async function enrichQueryFields(fields, parameters = {}) { const enrichedQuery = {} // enrich the fields with dynamic parameters for (let key of Object.keys(fields)) { if (fields[key] == null) { continue } if (typeof fields[key] === "object") { // enrich nested fields object enrichedQuery[key] = await enrichQueryFields(fields[key], parameters) } else if (typeof fields[key] === "string") { // enrich string value as normal enrichedQuery[key] = await processString(fields[key], parameters, { noHelpers: true, }) } else { enrichedQuery[key] = fields[key] } } if ( enrichedQuery.json || enrichedQuery.customData || enrichedQuery.requestBody ) { try { enrichedQuery.json = JSON.parse( enrichedQuery.json || enrichedQuery.customData || enrichedQuery.requestBody ) } catch (err) { throw { message: `JSON Invalid - error: ${err}` } } delete enrichedQuery.customData } return enrichedQuery } exports.find = async function (ctx) { const db = new CouchDB(ctx.appId) const query = enrichQueries(await db.get(ctx.params.queryId)) // remove properties that could be dangerous in real app if (env.isProd()) { delete query.fields delete query.parameters delete query.schema } ctx.body = query } exports.preview = async function (ctx) { const db = new CouchDB(ctx.appId) const datasource = await db.get(ctx.request.body.datasourceId) const { fields, parameters, queryVerb, transformer } = ctx.request.body const enrichedQuery = await enrichQueryFields(fields, parameters) const { rows, keys } = await queryRunner( datasource, queryVerb, enrichedQuery, transformer ) ctx.body = { rows, schemaFields: [ Set(keys)], } } exports.execute = async function (ctx) { const db = new CouchDB(ctx.appId) const query = await db.get(ctx.params.queryId) const datasource = await db.get(query.datasourceId) const enrichedQuery = await enrichQueryFields( query.fields, ctx.request.body.parameters ) // call the relevant CRUD method on the integration class const { rows } = await queryRunner( datasource, query.queryVerb, enrichedQuery, query.transformer ) ctx.body = rows } exports.destroy = async function (ctx) { const db = new CouchDB(ctx.appId) await db.remove(ctx.params.queryId, ctx.params.revId) ctx.message = `Query deleted.` ctx.status = 200 }