import filterTests from "../../../support/filterTests" filterTests(["all"], () => { context("IT Ticketing System Template Functionality", () => { const templateName = "IT Ticketing System" const templateNameParsed = templateName.toLowerCase().replace(/\s+/g, '-') before(() => { cy.login() cy.deleteApp(templateName) cy.visit(`${Cypress.config().baseUrl}/builder`, { onBeforeLoad(win) { cy.stub(win, 'open') } }) cy.wait(2000) cy.templateNavigation() }) it("should create and publish app with IT Ticketing System template", () => { // Select IT Ticketing System template cy.get(".template-thumbnail-text") .contains(templateName).parentsUntil(".template-grid").within(() => { cy.get(".spectrum-Button").contains("Use template").click({ force: true }) }) // Confirm URL matches template name const appUrl = cy.get(".app-server") appUrl.invoke('text').then(appUrlText => { expect(appUrlText).to.equal(`${Cypress.config().baseUrl}/app/` + templateNameParsed) }) // Create App cy.get(".spectrum-Dialog-grid").within(() => { cy.get(".spectrum-Button").contains("Create app").click({ force: true }) }) // Publish App cy.wait(2000) // Wait for app to generate cy.get(".toprightnav").contains("Publish").click({ force: true }) cy.get(".spectrum-Dialog-grid").within(() => { cy.get(".spectrum-Button").contains("Publish").click({ force: true }) }) // Verify Published app cy.wait(2000) // Wait for App to publish and modal to appear cy.get(".spectrum-Dialog-grid").within(() => { cy.get(".spectrum-Button").contains("View App").click({ force: true }) cy.window().its('open').should('be.calledOnce') }) }) xit("should filter tickets by status", () => { // Visit published app cy.visit(`${Cypress.config().baseUrl}/app/` + templateNameParsed) cy.wait(1000) // Tickets section cy.get(".links").contains("Tickets").click({ force: true }) cy.wait(1000) // Filter by stage - Confirm table updates cy.get(".spectrum-Picker").contains("Filter by status").click({ force: true }) cy.get(".spectrum-Menu").find('li').its('length').then(len => { for (let i = 1; i < len; i++) { cy.get(".spectrum-Menu-item").eq(i).click() const stage = cy.get(".spectrum-Picker-label") stage.invoke('text').then(stageText => { if (stageText == "In progress" || stageText == "On hold" || stageText == "Triaged") { cy.get(".placeholder").should('contain', 'No rows found') } else { cy.get(".spectrum-Table-row").should('contain', stageText) } cy.get(".spectrum-Picker").contains(stageText).click({ force: true }) }) } }) }) }) })