const TOKEN_MAP = { EQUALS: "===", NOT_EQUALS: "!==", LT: "<", LTE: "<=", MT: ">", MTE: ">=", CONTAINS: "includes", AND: "&&", OR: "||", } const CONDITIONS = { EMPTY: "EMPTY", NOT_EMPTY: "NOT_EMPTY", CONTAINS: "CONTAINS", } const isEmptyExpression = key => { return `( doc["${key}"] === undefined || doc["${key}"] === null || doc["${key}"] === "" || (Array.isArray(doc["${key}"]) && doc["${key}"].length === 0) )` } const GROUP_PROPERTY = { group: { type: "string", }, } const FIELD_PROPERTY = { field: { type: "string", }, } const SCHEMA_MAP = { sum: { field: "string", value: "number", }, count: { field: "string", value: "number", }, stats: { sum: { type: "number", }, min: { type: "number", }, max: { type: "number", }, count: { type: "number", }, sumsqr: { type: "number", }, avg: { type: "number", }, }, } /** * Iterates through the array of filters to create a JS * expression that gets used in a CouchDB view. * @param {Array} filters - an array of filter objects * @returns {String} JS Expression */ function parseFilterExpression(filters) { const expression = [] let first = true for (let filter of filters) { if (!first && filter.conjunction) { expression.push(TOKEN_MAP[filter.conjunction]) } if (filter.condition === CONDITIONS.CONTAINS) { expression.push( `doc["${filter.key}"].${TOKEN_MAP[filter.condition]}("${filter.value}")` ) } else if (filter.condition === CONDITIONS.EMPTY) { expression.push(isEmptyExpression(filter.key)) } else if (filter.condition === CONDITIONS.NOT_EMPTY) { expression.push(`!${isEmptyExpression(filter.key)}`) } else { const value = typeof filter.value == "string" ? `"${filter.value}"` : filter.value expression.push( `doc["${filter.key}"] ${TOKEN_MAP[filter.condition]} ${value}` ) } first = false } return expression.join(" ") } /** * Returns a CouchDB compliant emit() expression that is used to emit the * correct key/value pairs for custom views. * @param {String?} field - field to use for calculations, if any * @param {String?} groupBy - field to group calculation results on, if any */ function parseEmitExpression(field, groupBy) { return `emit(doc["${groupBy || "_id"}"], doc["${field}"]);` } /** * Return a fully parsed CouchDB compliant view definition * that will be stored in the design document in the database. * * @param {Object} viewDefinition - the JSON definition for a custom view. * field: field that calculations will be performed on * tableId: tableId of the table this view was created from * groupBy: field that calculations will be grouped by. Field must be present for this to be useful * filters: Array of filter objects containing predicates that are parsed into a JS expression * calculation: an optional calculation to be performed over the view data. */ function viewTemplate({ field, tableId, groupBy, filters = [], calculation }) { // first filter can't have a conjunction if (filters && filters.length > 0 && filters[0].conjunction) { delete filters[0].conjunction } let schema = null if (calculation) { schema = { ...(groupBy ? GROUP_PROPERTY : FIELD_PROPERTY), ...SCHEMA_MAP[calculation], } if ( !filters.find( filter => filter.key === field && filter.condition === CONDITIONS.NOT_EMPTY ) ) { filters.push({ key: field, condition: CONDITIONS.NOT_EMPTY }) } } const parsedFilters = parseFilterExpression(filters) const filterExpression = parsedFilters ? `&& (${parsedFilters})` : "" const emitExpression = parseEmitExpression(field, groupBy) const reduction = field && calculation ? { reduce: `_${calculation}` } : {} return { meta: { field, tableId, groupBy, filters, schema, calculation, }, map: `function (doc) { if (doc.tableId === "${tableId}" ${filterExpression}) { ${emitExpression} } }`, ...reduction, } } module.exports = viewTemplate