import { DatabaseImpl } from "../../../src/db" import { execSync } from "child_process" interface ContainerInfo { Command: string CreatedAt: string ID: string Image: string Labels: string LocalVolumes: string Mounts: string Names: string Networks: string Ports: string RunningFor: string Size: string State: string Status: string } function getTestcontainers(): ContainerInfo[] { return execSync("docker ps --format json") .toString() .split("\n") .filter(x => x.length > 0) .map(x => JSON.parse(x) as ContainerInfo) .filter(x => x.Labels.includes("org.testcontainers=true")) } function getContainerByImage(image: string) { return getTestcontainers().find(x => x.Image.startsWith(image)) } function getExposedPort(container: ContainerInfo, port: number) { const match = container.Ports.match(new RegExp(`\\d+)->${port}/tcp`)) if (!match) { return undefined } return parseInt(match[1]) } export function setupEnv(...envs: any[]) { const couch = getContainerByImage("budibase/couchdb") if (!couch) { throw new Error("CouchDB container not found") } const couchPort = getExposedPort(couch, 5984) if (!couchPort) { throw new Error("CouchDB port not found") } const configs = [ { key: "COUCH_DB_PORT", value: `${couchPort}` }, { key: "COUCH_DB_URL", value: `http://localhost:${couchPort}` }, ] for (const config of configs.filter(x => !!x.value)) { for (const env of envs) { env._set(config.key, config.value) } } // @ts-expect-error DatabaseImpl.nano = undefined }