const { generateGlobalUserID, getGlobalUserParams, StaticDatabases, generateNewUsageQuotaDoc, } = require("@budibase/auth/db") const { hash, getGlobalUserByEmail } = require("@budibase/auth").utils const { UserStatus, EmailTemplatePurpose } = require("../../../constants") const { checkInviteCode } = require("../../../utilities/redis") const { sendEmail } = require("../../../utilities/email") const { user: userCache } = require("@budibase/auth/cache") const { invalidateSessions } = require("@budibase/auth/sessions") const CouchDB = require("../../../db") const accounts = require("@budibase/auth/accounts") const { getGlobalDB, getTenantId, doesTenantExist, tryAddTenant, updateTenantId, } = require("@budibase/auth/tenancy") const env = require("../../../environment") const PLATFORM_INFO_DB = async function allUsers() { const db = getGlobalDB() const response = await db.allDocs( getGlobalUserParams(null, { include_docs: true, }) ) return => row.doc) } async function saveUser( user, tenantId, hashPassword = true, requirePassword = true ) { if (!tenantId) { throw "No tenancy specified." } // need to set the context for this request, as specified updateTenantId(tenantId) // specify the tenancy incase we're making a new admin user (public) const db = getGlobalDB(tenantId) let { email, password, _id } = user // make sure another user isn't using the same email let dbUser if (email) { // check budibase users inside the tenant dbUser = await getGlobalUserByEmail(email) if (dbUser != null && (dbUser._id !== _id || Array.isArray(dbUser))) { throw "Email address already in use." } // check budibase users in other tenants if (env.MULTI_TENANCY) { dbUser = await getTenantUser(email) if (dbUser != null) { throw "Email address already in use." } } // check root account users in account portal if (!env.SELF_HOSTED) { const account = await accounts.getAccount(email) if (account) { throw "Email address already in use." } } } else { dbUser = await db.get(_id) } // get the password, make sure one is defined let hashedPassword if (password) { hashedPassword = hashPassword ? await hash(password) : password } else if (dbUser) { hashedPassword = dbUser.password } else if (requirePassword) { throw "Password must be specified." } _id = _id || generateGlobalUserID() user = { createdAt:, ...dbUser, ...user, _id, password: hashedPassword, tenantId, } // make sure the roles object is always present if (!user.roles) { user.roles = {} } // add the active status to a user if its not provided if (user.status == null) { user.status = UserStatus.ACTIVE } try { const response = await db.put({ password: hashedPassword, ...user, }) await tryAddTenant(tenantId, _id, email) await userCache.invalidateUser( return { _id:, _rev: response.rev, email, } } catch (err) { if (err.status === 409) { throw "User exists already" } else { throw err } } } = async ctx => { try { ctx.body = await saveUser(ctx.request.body, getTenantId()) } catch (err) { ctx.throw(err.status || 400, err) } } const parseBooleanParam = param => { if (param && param == "false") { return false } else { return true } } exports.adminUser = async ctx => { const { email, password, tenantId } = ctx.request.body // account portal sends a pre-hashed password - honour param to prevent double hashing const hashPassword = parseBooleanParam(ctx.request.query.hashPassword) // account portal sends no password for SSO users const requirePassword = parseBooleanParam(ctx.request.query.requirePassword) if (await doesTenantExist(tenantId)) { ctx.throw(403, "Organisation already exists.") } const db = getGlobalDB(tenantId) const response = await db.allDocs( getGlobalUserParams(null, { include_docs: true, }) ) // write usage quotas for cloud if (!env.SELF_HOSTED) { await } if (response.rows.some(row => row.doc.admin)) { ctx.throw( 403, "You cannot initialise once an global user has been created." ) } const user = { email: email, password: password, createdAt:, roles: {}, builder: { global: true, }, admin: { global: true, }, tenantId, } try { ctx.body = await saveUser(user, tenantId, hashPassword, requirePassword) } catch (err) { ctx.throw(err.status || 400, err) } } exports.destroy = async ctx => { const db = getGlobalDB() const dbUser = await db.get( await db.remove(dbUser._id, dbUser._rev) await userCache.invalidateUser(dbUser._id) await invalidateSessions(dbUser._id) ctx.body = { message: `User ${} deleted.`, } } exports.removeAppRole = async ctx => { const { appId } = ctx.params const db = getGlobalDB() const users = await allUsers(ctx) const bulk = [] const cacheInvalidations = [] for (let user of users) { if (user.roles[appId]) { cacheInvalidations.push(userCache.invalidateUser(user._id)) delete user.roles[appId] bulk.push(user) } } await db.bulkDocs(bulk) await Promise.all(cacheInvalidations) ctx.body = { message: "App role removed from all users", } } exports.getSelf = async ctx => { if (!ctx.user) { ctx.throw(403, "User not logged in") } ctx.params = { id: ctx.user._id, } // this will set the body await exports.find(ctx) // forward session information not found in db ctx.body.account = ctx.user.account ctx.body.budibaseAccess = ctx.user.budibaseAccess ctx.body.accountPortalAccess = ctx.user.accountPortalAccess } exports.updateSelf = async ctx => { const db = getGlobalDB() const user = await db.get(ctx.user._id) if (ctx.request.body.password) { ctx.request.body.password = await hash(ctx.request.body.password) } // don't allow sending up an ID/Rev, always use the existing one delete ctx.request.body._id delete ctx.request.body._rev const response = await db.put({ ...user, ...ctx.request.body, }) await userCache.invalidateUser(user._id) ctx.body = { _id:, _rev: response.rev, } } // called internally by app server user fetch exports.fetch = async ctx => { const users = await allUsers(ctx) // user hashed password shouldn't ever be returned for (let user of users) { if (user) { delete user.password } } ctx.body = users } // called internally by app server user find exports.find = async ctx => { const db = getGlobalDB() let user try { user = await db.get( } catch (err) { // no user found, just return nothing user = {} } if (user) { delete user.password } ctx.body = user } // lookup, could be email or userId, either will return a doc const getTenantUser = async identifier => { const db = new CouchDB(PLATFORM_INFO_DB) try { return await db.get(identifier) } catch (err) { return null } } exports.tenantUserLookup = async ctx => { const id = const user = await getTenantUser(id) if (user) { ctx.body = user } else { ctx.throw(400, "No tenant user found.") } } exports.invite = async ctx => { let { email, userInfo } = ctx.request.body const existing = await getGlobalUserByEmail(email) if (existing) { ctx.throw(400, "Email address already in use.") } if (!userInfo) { userInfo = {} } userInfo.tenantId = getTenantId() await sendEmail(email, EmailTemplatePurpose.INVITATION, { subject: "{{ company }} platform invitation", info: userInfo, }) ctx.body = { message: "Invitation has been sent.", } } exports.inviteAccept = async ctx => { const { inviteCode, password, firstName, lastName } = ctx.request.body try { // info is an extension of the user object that was stored by global const { email, info } = await checkInviteCode(inviteCode) ctx.body = await saveUser( { firstName, lastName, password, email,, }, info.tenantId ) } catch (err) { ctx.throw(400, "Unable to create new user, invitation invalid.") } }