# Budibase CI Pipelines Welcome to the Budibase CI pipelines directory. This document details what each of the CI pipelines are for, and come common combinations. ## All CI Pipelines ### Standard CI Build Job (budibase_ci.yml) Triggers: - PR or push to master The standard CI Build job is what runs when you raise a PR to master. - Installs all dependencies, - builds the project - run the unit tests - Generate test coverage metrics with codecov - Run the integration tests - Check that the pro and account portal submodules are pointing to the lastest master head ### Release Job (tag-release.yml) Triggers: - Manually triggered This job is responsible for building and pushing all the production services, packages and images. This is done via [budibase-deploys](https://github.com/Budibase/budibase-deploys/actions/workflows/release.yml). An input is required, indicating if the new version will be a `patch`, `minor` or `major` bump. More documentation can be found in here: https://budibase.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DEVOPS/pages/347930625/Production+release ## Common Workflows ### Deploy Changes to Production (Release) - Merge your changes into `master` - Run `tag-release.yml` - Check the progress in [budibase-deploys](https://github.com/Budibase/budibase-deploys/actions/workflows/release.yml) ### Rollback A Bad Cloud Deployment Rollback documentation can be found in here. https://budibase.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DEVOPS/pages/347930625/Production+release#Rollback