import { Integration, DatasourceFieldTypes, QueryTypes, SqlQuery, QueryJson } from "../definitions/datasource" import { finaliseExternalTables, getSqlQuery, buildExternalTableId, convertType } from "./utils" import oracledb, { ExecuteOptions, Result, Connection, ConnectionAttributes, BindParameters } from "oracledb" import Sql from "./base/sql" import { Table } from "../definitions/common" import { DatasourcePlus } from "./base/datasourcePlus" import { FieldTypes } from "../constants" module OracleModule { oracledb.outFormat = oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_OBJECT; interface OracleConfig { host: string port: number database: string user: string password: string } const SCHEMA: Integration = { docs: "", plus: true, friendlyName: "Oracle", description: "Oracle Database is an object-relational database management system developed by Oracle Corporation", datasource: { host: { type: DatasourceFieldTypes.STRING, default: "localhost", required: true, }, port: { type: DatasourceFieldTypes.NUMBER, required: true, default: 1521, }, database: { type: DatasourceFieldTypes.STRING, required: true, }, user: { type: DatasourceFieldTypes.STRING, required: true, }, password: { type: DatasourceFieldTypes.PASSWORD, required: true, } }, query: { create: { type: QueryTypes.SQL, }, read: { type: QueryTypes.SQL, }, update: { type: QueryTypes.SQL, }, delete: { type: QueryTypes.SQL, }, }, } const UNSUPPORTED_TYPES = [ "BLOB", "CLOB", "NCLOB" ] const TYPE_MAP = { long: FieldTypes.LONGFORM, number: FieldTypes.NUMBER, binary_float: FieldTypes.NUMBER, binary_double: FieldTypes.NUMBER, timestamp: FieldTypes.DATETIME, date: FieldTypes.DATETIME, } /** * Raw query response */ interface ColumnsResponse { TABLE_NAME: string COLUMN_NAME: string DATA_TYPE: string COLUMN_ID: number CONSTRAINT_NAME: string | null CONSTRAINT_TYPE: string | null R_CONSTRAINT_NAME: string | null SEARCH_CONDITION: string | null } /** * An oracle constraint */ interface OracleConstraint { name: string type: string relatedConstraintName: string | null searchCondition: string | null } /** * An oracle column and it's related constraints */ interface OracleColumn { name: string type: string id: number constraints: {[key: string]: OracleConstraint } } /** * An oracle table and it's related columns */ interface OracleTable { name: string columns: {[key: string]: OracleColumn } } const OracleContraintTypes = { PRIMARY: "P", NOT_NULL_OR_CHECK: "C", FOREIGN_KEY: "R", UNIQUE: "U" } class OracleIntegration extends Sql implements DatasourcePlus { private readonly config: OracleConfig public tables: Record = {} public schemaErrors: Record = {} private readonly COLUMNS_SQL = ` SELECT tabs.table_name, cols.column_name, cols.data_type, cols.column_id, cons.constraint_name, cons.constraint_type, cons.r_constraint_name, cons.search_condition FROM user_tables tabs JOIN user_tab_columns cols ON tabs.table_name = cols.table_name LEFT JOIN user_cons_columns col_cons ON cols.column_name = col_cons.column_name AND cols.table_name = col_cons.table_name LEFT JOIN user_constraints cons ON col_cons.constraint_name = cons.constraint_name AND cons.table_name = cols.table_name WHERE (cons.status = 'ENABLED' OR cons.status IS NULL) ` constructor(config: OracleConfig) { super("oracledb") this.config = config } /** * Map the flat tabular columns and constraints data into a nested object */ private mapColumns(result: Result): { [key: string]: OracleTable } { const oracleTables: { [key: string]: OracleTable } = {} if (result.rows) { result.rows.forEach(row => { const tableName = row.TABLE_NAME const columnName = row.COLUMN_NAME const dataType = row.DATA_TYPE const columnId = row.COLUMN_ID const constraintName = row.CONSTRAINT_NAME const constraintType = row.CONSTRAINT_TYPE const relatedConstraintName = row.R_CONSTRAINT_NAME const searchCondition = row.SEARCH_CONDITION let table = oracleTables[tableName] if (!table) { table = { name: tableName, columns: {} } oracleTables[tableName] = table } let column = table.columns[columnName] if (!column) { column = { name: columnName, type: dataType, id: columnId, constraints: {} } table.columns[columnName] = column } if (constraintName && constraintType) { let constraint = column.constraints[constraintName] if (!constraint) { constraint = { name: constraintName, type: constraintType, relatedConstraintName: relatedConstraintName, searchCondition: searchCondition } } column.constraints[constraintName] = constraint } }) } return oracleTables } private isSupportedColumn(column: OracleColumn) { if (UNSUPPORTED_TYPES.includes(column.type)) { return false } return true } /** * Fetches the tables from the oracle table and assigns them to the datasource. * @param {*} datasourceId - datasourceId to fetch * @param entities - the tables that are to be built */ async buildSchema(datasourceId: string, entities: Record) { const columnsResponse = await this.internalQuery({ sql: this.COLUMNS_SQL }) const oracleTables = this.mapColumns(columnsResponse) const tables: { [key: string]: Table } = {} // iterate each table Object.values(oracleTables).forEach(oracleTable => { let table = tables[] if (!table) { table = { _id: buildExternalTableId(datasourceId,, primary: [], name:, schema: {}, } tables[] = table } // iterate each column on the table Object.values(oracleTable.columns) // remove columns that we can't read / save .filter(oracleColumn => this.isSupportedColumn(oracleColumn)) // match the order of the columns in the db .sort((c1, c2) => - .forEach(oracleColumn => { const columnName = let fieldSchema = table.schema[columnName] if (!fieldSchema) { fieldSchema = { autocolumn: false, name: columnName, type: convertType(oracleColumn.type, TYPE_MAP), } table.schema[columnName] = fieldSchema } // iterate each constraint on the column Object.values(oracleColumn.constraints).forEach(oracleConstraint => { if (oracleConstraint.type === OracleContraintTypes.PRIMARY) { table.primary!.push(columnName) } }) }) }) const final = finaliseExternalTables(tables, entities) this.tables = final.tables this.schemaErrors = final.errors } private async internalQuery(query: SqlQuery): Promise> { let connection try { connection = await this.getConnection() const options: ExecuteOptions = { autoCommit: true } const bindings: BindParameters = query.bindings || [] const result: Result = await connection.execute(query.sql, bindings, options) return result } finally { if (connection) { try { await connection.close(); } catch (err) { console.error(err); } } } } private getConnection = async (): Promise => { //connectString : "(DESCRIPTION =(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = localhost)(PORT = 1521))(CONNECT_DATA =(SID= ORCL)))" const connectString = `${}:${this.config.port || 1521}/${this.config.database}` const attributes: ConnectionAttributes = { user: this.config.user, password: this.config.user, connectString, } return oracledb.getConnection(attributes); } async create(query: SqlQuery | string) { const response = await this.internalQuery(getSqlQuery(query)) return response.rows && response.rows.length ? response.rows : [{ created: true }] } async read(query: SqlQuery | string) { const response = await this.internalQuery(getSqlQuery(query)) return response.rows } async update(query: SqlQuery | string) { const response = await this.internalQuery(getSqlQuery(query)) return response.rows && response.rows.length ? response.rows : [{ updated: true }] } async delete(query: SqlQuery | string) { const response = await this.internalQuery(getSqlQuery(query)) return response.rows && response.rows.length ? response.rows : [{ deleted: true }] } async query(json: QueryJson) { const operation = this._operation(json).toLowerCase() const input = this._query(json, { disableReturning: true }) if (Array.isArray(input)) { const responses = [] for (let query of input) { responses.push(await this.internalQuery(query)) } return responses } else { const response = await this.internalQuery(input) return response.rows && response.rows.length ? response.rows : [{ [operation]: true }] } } } module.exports = { schema: SCHEMA, integration: OracleIntegration, } }