import env from "../../environment" import * as apps from "../../utilities/appService" import * as eventHelpers from "./events" import { accounts, cache, constants, db as dbUtils, deprovisioning, events, HTTPError, migrations, sessions, tenancy, users as usersCore, utils, ViewName, } from "@budibase/backend-core" import { AccountMetadata, AllDocsResponse, BulkUserResponse, CloudAccount, CreateUserResponse, InviteUsersRequest, InviteUsersResponse, MigrationType, PlatformUserByEmail, RowResponse, User, } from "@budibase/types" import { sendEmail } from "../../utilities/email" import { EmailTemplatePurpose } from "../../constants" import { groups as groupsSdk } from "@budibase/pro" const PAGE_LIMIT = 8 export const allUsers = async () => { const db = tenancy.getGlobalDB() const response = await db.allDocs( dbUtils.getGlobalUserParams(null, { include_docs: true, }) ) return any) => row.doc) } export const countUsersByApp = async (appId: string) => { let response: any = await usersCore.searchGlobalUsersByApp(appId, {}) return { userCount: response.length, } } export const paginatedUsers = async ({ page, email, appId, }: { page?: string; email?: string; appId?: string } = {}) => { const db = tenancy.getGlobalDB() // get one extra document, to have the next page const opts: any = { include_docs: true, limit: PAGE_LIMIT + 1, } // add a startkey if the page was specified (anchor) if (page) { opts.startkey = page } // property specifies what to use for the page/anchor let userList, property = "_id", getKey if (appId) { userList = await usersCore.searchGlobalUsersByApp(appId, opts) getKey = (doc: any) => usersCore.getGlobalUserByAppPage(appId, doc) } else if (email) { userList = await usersCore.searchGlobalUsersByEmail(email, opts) property = "email" } else { // no search, query allDocs const response = await db.allDocs(dbUtils.getGlobalUserParams(null, opts)) userList = any) => row.doc) } return dbUtils.pagination(userList, PAGE_LIMIT, { paginate: true, property, getKey, }) } /** * Gets a user by ID from the global database, based on the current tenancy. */ export const getUser = async (userId: string) => { const db = tenancy.getGlobalDB() let user try { user = await db.get(userId) } catch (err: any) { // no user found, just return nothing if (err.status === 404) { return {} } throw err } if (user) { delete user.password } return user } interface SaveUserOpts { hashPassword?: boolean requirePassword?: boolean } const buildUser = async ( user: User, opts: SaveUserOpts = { hashPassword: true, requirePassword: true, }, tenantId: string, dbUser?: any ): Promise => { let { password, _id } = user let hashedPassword if (password) { hashedPassword = opts.hashPassword ? await utils.hash(password) : password } else if (dbUser) { hashedPassword = dbUser.password } else if (opts.requirePassword) { throw "Password must be specified." } _id = _id || dbUtils.generateGlobalUserID() user = { createdAt:, ...dbUser, ...user, _id, password: hashedPassword, tenantId, } // make sure the roles object is always present if (!user.roles) { user.roles = {} } // add the active status to a user if its not provided if (user.status == null) { user.status = constants.UserStatus.ACTIVE } return user } const validateUniqueUser = async (email: string, tenantId: string) => { // check budibase users in other tenants if (env.MULTI_TENANCY) { const tenantUser = await tenancy.getTenantUser(email) if (tenantUser != null && tenantUser.tenantId !== tenantId) { throw `Unavailable` } } // check root account users in account portal if (!env.SELF_HOSTED && !env.DISABLE_ACCOUNT_PORTAL) { const account = await accounts.getAccount(email) if (account && account.verified && account.tenantId !== tenantId) { throw `Unavailable` } } } export const save = async ( user: User, opts: SaveUserOpts = { hashPassword: true, requirePassword: true, } ): Promise => { const tenantId = tenancy.getTenantId() const db = tenancy.getGlobalDB() let { email, _id } = user if (!email && !_id) { throw new Error("_id or email is required") } let dbUser: User | undefined if (_id) { // try to get existing user from db try { dbUser = (await db.get(_id)) as User if (email && !== email) { throw "Email address cannot be changed" } email = } catch (e: any) { if (e.status === 404) { // do nothing, save this new user with the id specified - required for SSO auth } else { throw e } } } if (!dbUser && email) { // no id was specified - load from email instead dbUser = await usersCore.getGlobalUserByEmail(email) if (dbUser && dbUser._id !== _id) { throw `Unavailable` } } await validateUniqueUser(email, tenantId) let builtUser = await buildUser(user, opts, tenantId, dbUser) // make sure we set the _id field for a new user if (!_id) { _id = builtUser._id! } try { // save the user to db let response = await db.put(builtUser) builtUser._rev = response.rev await eventHelpers.handleSaveEvents(builtUser, dbUser) await addTenant(tenantId, _id, email) await cache.user.invalidateUser( // let server know to sync user await apps.syncUserInApps(_id) return { _id:, _rev: response.rev, email, } } catch (err: any) { if (err.status === 409) { throw "User exists already" } else { throw err } } } export const addTenant = async ( tenantId: string, _id: string, email: string ) => { if (env.MULTI_TENANCY) { const afterCreateTenant = () => migrations.backPopulateMigrations({ type: MigrationType.GLOBAL, tenantId, }) await tenancy.tryAddTenant(tenantId, _id, email, afterCreateTenant) } } const getExistingTenantUsers = async (emails: string[]): Promise => { const lcEmails = => email.toLowerCase()) const params = { keys: lcEmails, include_docs: true, } const opts = { arrayResponse: true, } return dbUtils.queryGlobalView( ViewName.USER_BY_EMAIL, params, undefined, opts ) as Promise } const getExistingPlatformUsers = async ( emails: string[] ): Promise => { const lcEmails = => email.toLowerCase()) const params = { keys: lcEmails, include_docs: true, } const opts = { arrayResponse: true, } return dbUtils.queryPlatformView( ViewName.PLATFORM_USERS_LOWERCASE, params, opts ) as Promise } const getExistingAccounts = async ( emails: string[] ): Promise => { const lcEmails = => email.toLowerCase()) const params = { keys: lcEmails, include_docs: true, } const opts = { arrayResponse: true, } return dbUtils.queryPlatformView( ViewName.ACCOUNT_BY_EMAIL, params, opts ) as Promise } /** * Apply a system-wide search on emails: * - in tenant * - cross tenant * - accounts * return an array of emails that match the supplied emails. */ const searchExistingEmails = async (emails: string[]) => { let matchedEmails: string[] = [] const existingTenantUsers = await getExistingTenantUsers(emails) matchedEmails.push( => const existingPlatformUsers = await getExistingPlatformUsers(emails) matchedEmails.push( => user._id!)) const existingAccounts = await getExistingAccounts(emails) matchedEmails.push( => return [ Set( => email.toLowerCase()))] } export const bulkCreate = async ( newUsersRequested: User[], groups: string[] ): Promise => { const tenantId = tenancy.getTenantId() let usersToSave: any[] = [] let newUsers: any[] = [] const emails = User) => const existingEmails = await searchExistingEmails(emails) const unsuccessful: { email: string; reason: string }[] = [] for (const newUser of newUsersRequested) { if ( newUsers.find( (x: User) => === ) || existingEmails.includes( ) { unsuccessful.push({ email:, reason: `Unavailable`, }) continue } newUser.userGroups = groups newUsers.push(newUser) } // create the promises array that will be called by bulkDocs newUsers.forEach((user: any) => { usersToSave.push( buildUser( user, { hashPassword: true, requirePassword: user.requirePassword, }, tenantId ) ) }) const usersToBulkSave = await Promise.all(usersToSave) await usersCore.bulkUpdateGlobalUsers(usersToBulkSave) // Post-processing of bulk added users, e.g. events and cache operations for (const user of usersToBulkSave) { // TODO: Refactor to bulk insert users into the info db // instead of relying on looping tenant creation await addTenant(tenantId, user._id, await eventHelpers.handleSaveEvents(user, undefined) await apps.syncUserInApps(user._id) } const saved = => { return { _id: user._id, email:, } }) // now update the groups if (Array.isArray(saved) && groups) { const groupPromises = [] const createdUserIds = => user._id) for (let groupId of groups) { groupPromises.push(groupsSdk.addUsers(groupId, createdUserIds)) } await Promise.all(groupPromises) } return { successful: saved, unsuccessful, } } /** * For the given user id's, return the account holder if it is in the ids. */ const getAccountHolderFromUserIds = async ( userIds: string[] ): Promise => { if (!env.SELF_HOSTED && !env.DISABLE_ACCOUNT_PORTAL) { const tenantId = tenancy.getTenantId() const account = await accounts.getAccountByTenantId(tenantId) if (!account) { throw new Error(`Account not found for tenantId=${tenantId}`) } const budibaseUserId = account.budibaseUserId if (userIds.includes(budibaseUserId)) { return account } } } export const bulkDelete = async ( userIds: string[] ): Promise => { const db = tenancy.getGlobalDB() const response: BulkUserResponse["deleted"] = { successful: [], unsuccessful: [], } // remove the account holder from the delete request if present const account = await getAccountHolderFromUserIds(userIds) if (account) { userIds = userIds.filter(u => u !== account.budibaseUserId) // mark user as unsuccessful response.unsuccessful.push({ _id: account.budibaseUserId, email:, reason: "Account holder cannot be deleted", }) } // Get users and delete const allDocsResponse: AllDocsResponse = await db.allDocs({ include_docs: true, keys: userIds, }) const usersToDelete: User[] = (user: RowResponse) => { return user.doc } ) // Delete from DB const toDelete = => ({ ...user, _deleted: true, })) const dbResponse = await usersCore.bulkUpdateGlobalUsers(toDelete) for (let user of usersToDelete) { await bulkDeleteProcessing(user) } // Build Response // index users by id const userIndex: { [key: string]: User } = {} usersToDelete.reduce((prev, current) => { prev[current._id!] = current return prev }, userIndex) // add the successful and unsuccessful users to response dbResponse.forEach(item => { const email = userIndex[].email if (item.ok) { response.successful.push({ _id:, email }) } else { response.unsuccessful.push({ _id:, email, reason: "Database error", }) } }) return response } export const destroy = async (id: string, currentUser: any) => { const db = tenancy.getGlobalDB() const dbUser = await db.get(id) const userId = dbUser._id as string if (!env.SELF_HOSTED && !env.DISABLE_ACCOUNT_PORTAL) { // root account holder can't be deleted from inside budibase const email = const account = await accounts.getAccount(email) if (account) { if (email === { throw new HTTPError('Please visit "Account" to delete this user', 400) } else { throw new HTTPError("Account holder cannot be deleted", 400) } } } await deprovisioning.removeUserFromInfoDB(dbUser) await db.remove(userId, dbUser._rev) await eventHelpers.handleDeleteEvents(dbUser) await cache.user.invalidateUser(userId) await sessions.invalidateSessions(userId, { reason: "deletion" }) // let server know to sync user await apps.syncUserInApps(userId) } const bulkDeleteProcessing = async (dbUser: User) => { const userId = dbUser._id as string await deprovisioning.removeUserFromInfoDB(dbUser) await eventHelpers.handleDeleteEvents(dbUser) await cache.user.invalidateUser(userId) await sessions.invalidateSessions(userId, { reason: "bulk-deletion" }) // let server know to sync user await apps.syncUserInApps(userId) } export const invite = async ( users: InviteUsersRequest ): Promise => { const response: InviteUsersResponse = { successful: [], unsuccessful: [], } const matchedEmails = await searchExistingEmails( => const newUsers = [] // separate duplicates from new users for (let user of users) { if (matchedEmails.includes( { response.unsuccessful.push({ email:, reason: "Unavailable" }) } else { newUsers.push(user) } } // overwrite users with new only users = newUsers // send the emails for new users const tenantId = tenancy.getTenantId() for (let user of users) { try { let userInfo = user.userInfo if (!userInfo) { userInfo = {} } userInfo.tenantId = tenantId const opts: any = { subject: "{{ company }} platform invitation", info: userInfo, } await sendEmail(, EmailTemplatePurpose.INVITATION, opts) response.successful.push({ email: }) await events.user.invited() } catch (e) { console.error(`Failed to send email invitation email=${}`, e) response.unsuccessful.push({ email:, reason: "Failed to send email", }) } } return response }