#!/usr/bin/env node const updateDotEnv = require("update-dotenv") const arg = process.argv.slice(2)[0] const isEnable = arg === "enable" let domain = process.argv.slice(2)[1] if (!domain) { domain = "local.com" } const getAccountPortalUrl = () => { if (isEnable) { return `http://account.${domain}:10001` } else { return `http://localhost:10001` } } const getBudibaseUrl = () => { if (isEnable) { return `http://${domain}:10000` } else { return `http://localhost:10000` } } const getCookieDomain = () => { if (isEnable) { return `.${domain}` } else { return "" } } /** * For testing multi tenancy sub domains locally. * * Relies on an entry in /etc/hosts e.g: * * local.com * * and an entry for each tenant you wish to test locally e.g: * * t1.local.com * t2.local.com */ updateDotEnv({ ACCOUNT_PORTAL_URL: getAccountPortalUrl(), COOKIE_DOMAIN: getCookieDomain(), PLATFORM_URL: getBudibaseUrl(), }).then(() => console.log("Updated server!"))