const Router = require("@koa/router") const rowController = require("../controllers/row") const authorized = require("../../middleware/authorized") const usage = require("../../middleware/usageQuota") const { paramResource, paramSubResource, } = require("../../middleware/resourceId") const { PermissionLevels, PermissionTypes, } = require("@budibase/auth/permissions") const router = Router() router /** * @api {get} /api/:tableId/:rowId/enrich Get an enriched row * @apiName /api/:tableId/:rowId/enrich * @apiGroup rows * @apiPermission table read access * @apiDescription This API is only useful when dealing with rows that have relationships. * Normally when a row is a returned from the API relationships will only have the structure * `{ primaryDisplay: "name", _id: ... }` but this call will return the full related rows * for each relationship instead. * * @apiParam {string} rowId The ID of the row which is to be retrieved and enriched. * * @apiSuccess {object} row The response body will be the enriched row. * @apiError {string} message If the table or row could not be found then an error will be thrown. */ .get( "/api/:tableId/:rowId/enrich", paramSubResource("tableId", "rowId"), authorized(PermissionTypes.TABLE, PermissionLevels.READ), rowController.fetchEnrichedRow ) /** * @api {get} /api/:tableId/rows Get all rows in a table * @apiName /api/:tableId/rows * @apiGroup rows * @apiPermission table read access * @apiDescription This is a deprecated endpoint that should not be used anymore, instead use the search endpoint. * This endpoint gets all of the rows within the specified table - it is not heavily used * due to its lack of support for pagination. With SQL tables this will retrieve up to a limit and then * will simply stop. * * @apiParam {string} tableId The ID of the table to retrieve all rows within. * * @apiSuccess {object[]} rows The response body will be an array of all rows found. * @apiError {string} message If the table could not be found then an error will be thrown. */ .get( "/api/:tableId/rows", paramResource("tableId"), authorized(PermissionTypes.TABLE, PermissionLevels.READ), rowController.fetch ) /** * @api {get} /api/:tableId/rows/:rowId Retrieve a single row * @apiName /api/:tableId/rows/:rowId * @apiGroup rows * @apiPermission table read access * @apiDescription This endpoint retrieves only the specified row. If you wish to retrieve * a row by anything other than its _id field, use the search endpoint. * * @apiParam {string} tableId The ID of the table to retrieve a row from. * @apiParam {string} rowId The ID of the row to retrieve. * * @apiSuccess {object} row The response body will be the row that was found. * @apiError {string} message If the table or row could not be found then an error will be thrown. */ .get( "/api/:tableId/rows/:rowId", paramSubResource("tableId", "rowId"), authorized(PermissionTypes.TABLE, PermissionLevels.READ), rowController.find ) /** * @api {post} /api/:tableId/search Search for rows in a table * @apiName /api/:tableId/search * @apiGroup rows * @apiPermission table read access * @apiDescription This is the primary method of accessing rows in Budibase, the data provider * and data UI in the builder are built atop this. All filtering, sorting and pagination is * handled through this, for internal and external (datasource plus, e.g. SQL) tables. * * @apiBody * */ .post( "/api/:tableId/search", paramResource("tableId"), authorized(PermissionTypes.TABLE, PermissionLevels.READ), ) // DEPRECATED - this is an old API, but for backwards compat it needs to be // supported still .post( "/api/search/:tableId/rows", paramResource("tableId"), authorized(PermissionTypes.TABLE, PermissionLevels.READ), ) .post( "/api/:tableId/rows", paramResource("tableId"), authorized(PermissionTypes.TABLE, PermissionLevels.WRITE), usage, ) .patch( "/api/:tableId/rows", paramResource("tableId"), authorized(PermissionTypes.TABLE, PermissionLevels.WRITE), rowController.patch ) .post( "/api/:tableId/rows/validate", paramResource("tableId"), authorized(PermissionTypes.TABLE, PermissionLevels.WRITE), rowController.validate ) .delete( "/api/:tableId/rows", paramResource("tableId"), authorized(PermissionTypes.TABLE, PermissionLevels.WRITE), usage, rowController.destroy ) module.exports = router