const { getApisWithFullAccess, getApisForSession, getMasterApisWithFullAccess, } = require("./budibaseApi") const getDatastore = require("./datastore") const getDatabaseManager = require("./databaseManager") const { $ } = require("@budibase/core").common const { keyBy, values, cloneDeep } = require("lodash/fp") const { masterAppPackage, applictionVersionPackage, applictionVersionPublicPaths, } = require("../utilities/createAppPackage") const { determineVersionId } = require("./runtimePackages") const isMaster = appname => appname === "_master" module.exports = async context => { const { config } = context const datastoreModule = getDatastore(config) const databaseManager = getDatabaseManager( datastoreModule, config.datastoreConfig ) const masterDatastore = datastoreModule.getDatastore( databaseManager.masterDatastoreConfig ) const bb = await getMasterApisWithFullAccess(context) let applications const loadApplications = async () => { const apps = await bb.indexApi.listItems("/all_applications") applications = $(apps, [keyBy("name")]) } await loadApplications() const getInstanceDatastore = instanceDatastoreConfig => datastoreModule.getDatastore(instanceDatastoreConfig) const getCustomSessionId = (appname, sessionId) => isMaster(appname) ? bb.recordApi.customId("mastersession", sessionId) : bb.recordApi.customId("session", sessionId) const getApplication = async (nameOrKey, isRetry = false) => { if (applications[nameOrKey]) return applications[nameOrKey] for (let name in applications) { const a = applications[name] if (a.key === nameOrKey) return a if ( === nameOrKey) return a } if (isRetry) return await loadApplications() return await getApplication(nameOrKey, true) } const getSession = async (sessionId, appname) => { const customSessionId = getCustomSessionId(appname, sessionId) if (isMaster(appname)) { return await bb.recordApi.load(`/sessions/${customSessionId}`) } else { const app = await getApplication(appname) return await bb.recordApi.load( `/applications/${}/sessions/${customSessionId}` ) } } const deleteSession = async (sessionId, appname) => { const customSessionId = getCustomSessionId(appname, sessionId) if (isMaster(appname)) { return await bb.recordApi.delete(`/sessions/${customSessionId}`) } else { const app = await getApplication(appname) return await bb.recordApi.delete( `/applications/${}/sessions/${customSessionId}` ) } } const createAppUser = async (appname, instance, user, password) => { if (isMaster(appname)) { throw new Error("This method is for creating app users - not on master!") } const versionId = determineVersionId(instance.version) const dsConfig = JSON.parse(instance.datastoreconfig) const appPackage = await applictionVersionPackage( context, appname, versionId, instance.key ) const bbInstance = await getApisWithFullAccess( datastoreModule.getDatastore(dsConfig), appPackage ) await bbInstance.authApi.createUser(user, password) } const authenticate = async (sessionId, appname, username, password) => { if (isMaster(appname)) { const authUser = await bb.authApi.authenticate(username, password) if (!authUser) { return null } const session = bb.recordApi.getNew("/sessions", "mastersession") bb.recordApi.setCustomId(session, sessionId) session.user_json = JSON.stringify(authUser) session.username = username await return session } const app = await getApplication(appname) const userInMaster = await getUser(, username) if (!userInMaster) return null const { instance, bbInstance } = await getFullAccessApiForInstanceId( appname,, ) const authUser = await bbInstance.authApi.authenticate(username, password) if (!authUser) { return null } const session = bb.recordApi.getNew( `/applications/${}/sessions`, "session" ) bb.recordApi.setCustomId(session, sessionId) session.user_json = JSON.stringify(authUser) session.instanceDatastoreConfig = instance.datastoreconfig session.instanceKey = instance.key session.username = username session.instanceVersion = instance.version.key await return session } const getFullAccessApiForInstanceId = async (appname, instanceId, appId) => { if (!appId) { appId = (await getApplication(appname)).id } const instanceKey = `/applications/${appId}/instances/${instanceId}` const instance = await bb.recordApi.load(instanceKey) const versionId = determineVersionId(instance.version) const dsConfig = JSON.parse(instance.datastoreconfig) const appPackage = await applictionVersionPackage( context, appname, versionId, instance.key ) return { bbInstance: await getApisWithFullAccess( datastoreModule.getDatastore(dsConfig), appPackage ), instance, } } const getFullAccessApiForMaster = async () => await getApisWithFullAccess(masterDatastore, masterAppPackage(context)) const getInstanceApiForSession = async (appname, sessionId) => { if (isMaster(appname)) { const customId = bb.recordApi.customId("mastersession", sessionId) const masterPkg = masterAppPackage(context) try { const session = await bb.recordApi.load(`/sessions/${customId}`) return { instance: await getApisForSession( masterDatastore, masterAppPackage(context), session ), publicPath: masterPkg.mainUiPath, sharedPath: masterPkg.sharedPath, } } catch (_) { return { instance: null, publicPath: masterPkg.unauthenticatedUiPath, sharedPath: masterPkg.sharedPath, } } } else { const app = await getApplication(appname) const customId = bb.recordApi.customId("session", sessionId) try { const session = await bb.recordApi.load( `/applications/${}/sessions/${customId}` ) const dsConfig = JSON.parse(session.instanceDatastoreConfig) const instanceDatastore = getInstanceDatastore(dsConfig) const versionId = determineVersionId(session.instanceVersion) const appPackage = await applictionVersionPackage( context, appname, versionId, session.instanceKey ) return { instance: await getApisForSession( instanceDatastore, appPackage, session ), publicPath: appPackage.mainUiPath, sharedPath: appPackage.sharedPath, } } catch (_) { const versionId = determineVersionId(app.defaultVersion) const appPublicPaths = applictionVersionPublicPaths( context,, versionId ) return { instance: null, publicPath: appPublicPaths.unauthenticatedUiPath, sharedPath: appPublicPaths.sharedPath, } } } } const getUser = async (appId, username) => { const userId = bb.recordApi.customId("user", username) try { return await bb.recordApi.load(`/applications/${appId}/users/${userId}`) } catch (_) { //empty return } } const getFullAccessInstanceApiForUsername = async (appname, username) => { if (isMaster(appname)) { return bb } else { const app = await getApplication(appname) const user = await getUser(, username) if (!user) return null const dsConfig = JSON.parse(user.instance.datastoreconfig) const instanceDatastore = getInstanceDatastore(dsConfig) const versionId = determineVersionId( (await bb.recordApi.load(user.instance.key)).version ) const appPackage = await applictionVersionPackage( context, appname, versionId, user.instance.key ) return await getApisWithFullAccess(instanceDatastore, appPackage) } } const removeSessionsForUser = async (appname, username) => { if (isMaster(appname)) { const sessions = await bb.indexApi.listItems("/mastersessions_by_user", { rangeStartParams: { username }, rangeEndParams: { username }, searchPhrase: `username:${username}`, }) for (let session of sessions) { await bb.recordApi.delete(session.key) } } else { const app = await getApplication(appname) const sessions = await bb.indexApi.listItems( `/applications/${}/sessions_by_user`, { rangeStartParams: { username }, rangeEndParams: { username }, searchPhrase: `username:${username}`, } ) for (let session of sessions) { await bb.recordApi.delete(session.key) } } } const getApplicationWithInstances = async appname => { const app = cloneDeep(await getApplication(appname)) app.instances = await bb.indexApi.listItems( `/applications/${}/allinstances` ) return app } const disableUser = async (app, username) => { await removeSessionsForUser(, username) const userInMaster = await getUser(, username) = false await } const enableUser = async (app, username) => { const userInMaster = await getUser(, username) = true await } const listApplications = () => values(applications) return { getApplication, getSession, deleteSession, authenticate, getInstanceApiForSession, getFullAccessInstanceApiForUsername, removeSessionsForUser, disableUser, enableUser, getUser, createAppUser, bbMaster: bb, listApplications, getFullAccessApiForInstanceId, getFullAccessApiForMaster, getApplicationWithInstances, } }